Thursday 1 January 2009

on the last day of 2008!

i was suppose to go to oneutama with my usj4 friends but i couldnt go as i kinda went out the night before. sorry guys ; im sure u guys had fun :)
i pretty much lazed at home the whole afternoon. at night, i went to eleena's bday party at her house. her bday is on the 31st of dec , nice isnt it ? soo, i walked over to mithun's hse and jowin fetched us from there. its always good to have a friend who can drive , ahha! im kidding man!

so, we reached there. three of us were the earliest ones. and then more people came , blah blah blah. ohhh, the food was good. spaghetti , with pizza and some salad and ohyeah, doughnuts. so at the end of the night, we were all pretty much stuffed. ohyeahh, eleena's cousins and relatives were all there as well. she has a cousin who was dancing the macarena the whole night , LOL. and then another lil cousin was constantly running around ; came and stepped on my foot , ran off , and then did the same for quite some time . hahah! cute lil cousins man.

later arnd 10 plus, we went out to buy dvd's to watch. we got twilight and saw5. later , we played 'dare or dare' . its like 'truth or dare' but just 'dare or dare'. HAHA. and since we were all so filled , and there was alot more food left , our dares must have something to do with the food. first victim was vittal. he was dared to finish this can of MALAYSIAN MADE coke. jowin said it tasted like pepsi. HAHA . doesnt sound like much of a dare right ? but earlier before that, vittal said he hated the drink. so, that was the reason why we chosed that drink. anw, his dare : finish the can in a minute. lucky for him , he made it.

another example , eat 4 slices of pizza's in 4 minutes . its tough crap man! the bottle faced me , and i had to do it. i obviously couldnt finish it , damn . seriously felt like puking man , haha! and ohyeahh, if we fail to do the dare , we will be punished. i was suppose to do the macarena dance ( inspired by eleena's cousin i guess, HAHA ) but before i was gonna get punished, it was new year already! so, they all forgot about it :D go 2009 ! HAHA


after that , we got back into the house and started watching saw5. it was kinda boring to start the year off , so we switched it to twilight . HAHA . only mity, jowin and i got to stay for the whole show , the rest went home during the movie.
reached home at 3am .

and now , pictures ! :D

fara , dana , eleena and haresh.
(wow , i remember their names :D )

'ehk, where did all the kids go ?'


dana wishes to be as tall as usern.

jowin being a dad.

do i sense posers ?
hhahah! kidding .

i dont know why , but i kinda like this picture .

mh.coec :)

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