Tuesday 27 January 2009

chinese new year 09' !
[i know, im finally doing a proper update]

new year has been great so far!

the new year snacks are just something worth craving for! seriously, there's the ;

the chips ,
the fried crackers ,
the fried seaweed ,
the gummy worms thingy,
the almond nuts ,
the muruku! ,
and the not so yummy traditional chinese food .

and if that isn't enough for you , there's always the ANG PAU'S ! how can that not put a smile on your face ?

i sound so money-minded man.

okay okay , you all know that new year isn't all about the yummy food and the cash filled ang paus right ? the true meaning of the chinese new year is .... ...

see how much i've grown ?
im such a matured kid :D
i no longer think that angpau's are all that matters during new year!

oh wait , since when did i even think so ?

sooo, how did i spend my cny ?

on chinese new year eve [sunday] , family had dinner at our grandparents place which was at cheras. its sad to say that i dont have an actual 'kampung'. meaning , i haven't experience staying in wooden houses , listening to the cockerel's shouts in the morns , the 'natural' air cond breeze .. etc. wonder how simple things like that will feel like :S
bring me back to your kampung pls ?
HAHA. i sound like a parasite nw.

back to the dinner , we had the traditional yee sang where everyone took their chopsticks/forks to stir the ingredients together. as usual, it ended up quite messy but isnt that the whole point ? hahah.

i cnt ,
keep my hands of the yee sang ,
my hands , my hands , my uh uh hands ....

the kids table , the adult table is the one behind.

i noticed that i only have a signature smile :)

more updates ahead on my cny :D

munhong.coec :)

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