Monday 12 January 2009

add maths, modern maths , chemistry , biology , physics , and accounts

this is just gonna be a really short update on what i've been up to for the past few days.
i've been , STUDYing in school. HAHA
yeahhh , im still in the holiday mood ,
still having trouble to wake up at 6am,
damn , soo tiring,
inviting my good ol' friends back ,
mr eye bags :D

okay, guess its just until here then.
the bed awaits me .

maybe a few random pictures first
from mayuri's birthday/joonkeit's farewell :D

her house was HUGE!
there was the :
formal living room
informal living room
big store room
an attic
a cinema room

oohh, and the party was fun
thanks for inviting :)

mh.coec :)

one more thing,
its big 11 already :D
bet most of you wont know what this means , ohwell.

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