Thursday 1 January 2009

pmr results day! ( 30th dec 08' )

i woke up feeling excited but nervous a little at the same time. haha!
wore my uniform and then walked to school.
the first few people i saw was vincent , bryan and kyle outside of school ;
instead of talking about the results,
they were mumbling about japan/china.
kyle was missing china/japan. HAHA

the results came out at around 11am.
we had to line up according to our classes ,
and get our results one by one.
before it was my turn to get my results ;
there were people jumping and screaming in joy already ,
that didnt help me to calm myself obviously , feeling all jumpy ,
and then it was my turn .

class teacher : red
me : blue

ct: so munhong, you selalu tak dapat straight a's dalam trials kan ?

mh: yeah huh .
ct: jadi , how many a's do you think you will get this time ?
mh: erm, 6 maybe? hopefully 7 lah cikgu.

just before she was about to give me the slip ,

mh: wait teacher , i dont wana look at it first. ill look at it later.
ct: okay . but i nak hear you shout .

( was feeling excited after what she said)

so i flipped it over ,
and i got straight a's :D
thank God!

ooh , and i didnt really shout.
hahaha , was kinda happy , i couldnt .

anw, congrats to everyone else who got their results as well.

mh.coec :)

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