Tuesday 6 January 2009

first day of school .

everything was as normal as it can be . then there was assembly , teachers were all yapping and yapping to organize the students. we then got arranged into rows or some sort like that.
en.padhli was walking around to catch those with long hair , and my hair wasnt short at all.
i didnt cut it since the start of my holidays last year , yeahh that long.
i was obviously trying to hide from him but i failed. so, i went out and stood in front with the rest.
more than 20 people got caught , for their long hair/dyed hair.

we were then brought into the dewan. pengetua starting doing what she does best , TALK .
she gave us three choices ,

1) stay in the dewan the whole day until school ends
2) call your parents and get your haircut outside , then you can come back to school for classes.
3) get special haircut from en.thiru

yohann and i were among the ones who got caught ;
we thought of which of the wonderful choices to choose .
yohann didn't mind getting a hair cut from en.thiru but not me man .
i got experiences on how teachers cut hair last year.
so i called dad , and he did the same.
he didnt call my dad of course , he called his.

then later dad came to fetch me to get my hair cut. the usual barber we go to was close ( darn it )
so we went for some random indian barber . then , dad fetched me back to school. because of all the rush , my hair looks funny now.

back in school , we walked from class to class. we didnt know which one we belonged to as we were punished. walking aimlessly , we then found our class. LOL

it was quite a good first day ;
in a weird way.

mh.coec :)

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