Thursday 18 December 2008

dO iT camp!
on the 11th - 14th dec 08'
@ Dusun Eco Resort.


man, there's so much to write about camp. ill just briefly go through the four days there ; ( if you really want to know more about camp , you should go to some other blog. this is not the blog your looking for ) HAHA :D but , seriously.

first day ;
all the campers were suppose to gather at PJnewlife church. i was there real early. and obviously i felt blur at first and all . why must i be so punctual on that day! HAHAH. then, more and more came. the bus ride there was alright ; watched russell peters with nick.j in the bus. was feeling awfully tired tho.

(fast forwards)

brought our bags into respective rooms. the room i was in was kinda underground and next to the toilet. it was obviously convenient to visit the toilet at night, HAHA. but the sad thing was, there wasn't any reception for maxis users in the room. soo , everytime i need to text someone or just talk, ill have to go out. BUT it was fun doing so for that four days , HAHA.

ohyeahh, after unpacking and lunch; most of the campers went for flying fox. we walked up and along the hanging bridge for more than 15-20 minutes to get to the flying fox station. and the flying fox was just like 10 seconds to fly down . LOL! but heck it was fun lahh .

day two ;
everyone woke up real early for devotion. then , our session with Eric Tan began. it was all about , the Old Testament. i gotta admit, the 77 moves we had to do kinda helped me to remember some parts of the old testament. then , more games in the afternoon like the lipstick jungle and the broken telephone. i was kinda among the helpers for the games so i wasn't able to play in any of them. ohwell , it was fun when we got to punish them with lipstick in lipstick jungle :D

( fast forwards )

ohyeahh, there were many bugs and insects during camp. even the ants look huge. like as if they went through a 'be an ant spartan' test or something. some were obviously distracting during sessions , girls screaming and all. hahah .

day three ;
devotion in the morn was about being focused and working as a team. then session again ; more moves learnt and completing the 77 moves from the old testament :D

after lunch, the messy games began! the first one
wasn't messy tho, teams were suppose to search for chubbykins ( joshua's cuddly toy) through a series of clues given by the *angels*. joshua acted all dramatic in the hall claiming that his chubbykins was missing and all while the helpers pretended to act all blur. it was a funny scene!

ohyeahh, the night before this , helpers were all discussing on how to manage the chubbykins game and the other games. before discussing, i was immitating on how joshua will sound when he loses his chubbykins. tracy and josh
ua said i sounded really dramatic and was suitable for the part . SWEAT! haha :D

(back to the third day)

later, the helpers were all preparing for the messy games while the campers all continued to search for chubbykins. messy games began! flour with eggs and mixed with water all over the place! too many to describe :) HAHA

last day ;
ps hock preached for the sunday session. was feeling all tired and sleepy. im guessing most of them were feeling the same :P then , we had our last lunch there before heading back.

alright, im done :D

btw, this is just a brief throughout camp.
there was soo much that happened in camp that if i wrote all of them here ;
ill take weeks to post this up.
ohyeahh, pictures are all in facebook.


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