Wednesday 10 December 2008

im feeling annoyed.

why am i feeling annoyed ?
well , just go to ;
and find out.

nahhh , i was just trying to get u guys to watch the vid.
its another hotandlow production,
so go watch it nw!

anw, we sorta had a reunion/together gather today at usj4. not many people turned up. thats quite sad , but ohwell , we did our usual thing. basketball ! only some of us played, while the rest did their own thing. badminton/cycling/chit chat and stuff. after tiring ourselves with two games of basketball, the guys went over to the mamak stall to grab a drink before rushing over to the cybercafe in usj4, while the girls went over to syaza's place.

after 2 hours of hardcore dota and cs , we got ourselves lunch before going our separate ways. everyone went home except for kok jian and I. muidz's driver sent us over to syaza's hse. in her place, we met up with aqilah,aifa and joonkeit / made a video/ and played pingpong like mad. was playing with syaza's bro , afiq , until we were actually tired, arnd 5 games or so . LOL!

guess thats all about wht happened today ( in a summarised way)

as for tmr, ill be going to a youth camp. im darn excited for it as last year's camp was all awesome. LOL! hmmmm , am i missing out on anything to bring ? *double checking all the stuff in the bag*

some darn random pic.
that cup was filled with raw egg+ribena+cold water
yum yum :D
mh.coec :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL. syaza did put up lots of pics. btw, add me. yinting here
