Monday 8 December 2008

The duty-free island. (1-3 dec 08' )

im back into the blogging world!
finally after weeks of laziness ; i decided to update my blog .
dont i deserve a round of applause ? haha, okay, enough with the ss-ness.

anw , my family and i went to p.langkawi last week. right now, i dont really know what to write about our trip there ; maybe because its already 2.20am and im feeling darn hungry!

i dont know why but , i always get hungry after 12 in the morn. maybe because its already a new day ? and what i usually 'cook' to fill myself up are ; sausages , noodles (mee maggi :D ) and anything else simple i cn find in the fridge. the next time when i get my license , ahhhhh , melurrr here i come! haha

so ill just brief through on what we did there ;

we flew there with airasia. ( motto : nw everyone cn fly . haha ) reached there and got our rented car , which was a wira. ohwell , at least it was clean. i took a picture of the car number just incase if we forgot which car it was , haha!

the first place we visited was the 'Underwater World'. i gotta say, i was quite amazed. many unique animals I saw. to make it short , i saw blah , blah and blah. anw, it was written the largest aquaria in msia , and by the end of the whole thing , i was like , ' What! thats all ?'. i was half satisfied and half feeling , ' man, what a waste of money'. hahah.

later, we checked in Langkasuka Resort. Hows the place there ? not really pleasing to be honest. the rooms were ok , clean and everything , but there just weren't much entertainment there. and its rated 4 stars! -.-! i suppose its 4 out of 10 stars.

ahhhh , i feel so lazy to write nw. ill let the pics to the talking :
arriving at langkawi.

Pics taken in the underwater world :


some weird but nice looking fish!


'hey guys , i found nemo!'

some fishy fish.

i think my bro is related to that fish , dont they just look alike ?

starfishes just amazes me. espeacially those stuck on the walls :)

dad acting cold , lol!

Random pics time :

his shoes got wet , HAHA.

at some waterfall.

bro being his ss self -.-!

he may look like he's winning, but he wasn't.
we played like 4 or 5 games , and i won them all,
im too good for him :P

the pool in langkasuka.

this place was darn interesting.

the fella on the left told us how crystal glass was made.

the raw materials.

putting it under really high temperature.

shaping the crystal glass .
they look so bored, haha.

the crystal glass products.

ooohhh maannn , this has gotta be the best picture taken man!
mum was afraid of the rabbit -.-!
sorry mum if ur reading this :)

jack daniels :)
ohyeah, dad got one for himself . lol

carlsberg there is only rm3 plus, cheapppp!

check out the size of this lollipop!
anyone wants a lick , LOL!

waiting for our flight back.

guess thats it for my langkawi trip,
we're gonna get travel guides the next time,
roaming arnd with a few maps was tough.

more updates on my hols soon.
crapstick , its already 4.40 am!

mh.coec :)

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