Tuesday 27 January 2009

chinese new year 09' !
[i know, im finally doing a proper update]

new year has been great so far!

the new year snacks are just something worth craving for! seriously, there's the ;

the chips ,
the fried crackers ,
the fried seaweed ,
the gummy worms thingy,
the almond nuts ,
the muruku! ,
and the not so yummy traditional chinese food .

and if that isn't enough for you , there's always the ANG PAU'S ! how can that not put a smile on your face ?

i sound so money-minded man.

okay okay , you all know that new year isn't all about the yummy food and the cash filled ang paus right ? the true meaning of the chinese new year is .... ...

see how much i've grown ?
im such a matured kid :D
i no longer think that angpau's are all that matters during new year!

oh wait , since when did i even think so ?

sooo, how did i spend my cny ?

on chinese new year eve [sunday] , family had dinner at our grandparents place which was at cheras. its sad to say that i dont have an actual 'kampung'. meaning , i haven't experience staying in wooden houses , listening to the cockerel's shouts in the morns , the 'natural' air cond breeze .. etc. wonder how simple things like that will feel like :S
bring me back to your kampung pls ?
HAHA. i sound like a parasite nw.

back to the dinner , we had the traditional yee sang where everyone took their chopsticks/forks to stir the ingredients together. as usual, it ended up quite messy but isnt that the whole point ? hahah.

i cnt ,
keep my hands of the yee sang ,
my hands , my hands , my uh uh hands ....

the kids table , the adult table is the one behind.

i noticed that i only have a signature smile :)

more updates ahead on my cny :D

munhong.coec :)

Monday 12 January 2009

add maths, modern maths , chemistry , biology , physics , and accounts

this is just gonna be a really short update on what i've been up to for the past few days.
i've been , STUDYing in school. HAHA
yeahhh , im still in the holiday mood ,
still having trouble to wake up at 6am,
damn , soo tiring,
inviting my good ol' friends back ,
mr eye bags :D

okay, guess its just until here then.
the bed awaits me .

maybe a few random pictures first
from mayuri's birthday/joonkeit's farewell :D

her house was HUGE!
there was the :
formal living room
informal living room
big store room
an attic
a cinema room

oohh, and the party was fun
thanks for inviting :)

mh.coec :)

one more thing,
its big 11 already :D
bet most of you wont know what this means , ohwell.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

first day of school .

everything was as normal as it can be . then there was assembly , teachers were all yapping and yapping to organize the students. we then got arranged into rows or some sort like that.
en.padhli was walking around to catch those with long hair , and my hair wasnt short at all.
i didnt cut it since the start of my holidays last year , yeahh that long.
i was obviously trying to hide from him but i failed. so, i went out and stood in front with the rest.
more than 20 people got caught , for their long hair/dyed hair.

we were then brought into the dewan. pengetua starting doing what she does best , TALK .
she gave us three choices ,

1) stay in the dewan the whole day until school ends
2) call your parents and get your haircut outside , then you can come back to school for classes.
3) get special haircut from en.thiru

yohann and i were among the ones who got caught ;
we thought of which of the wonderful choices to choose .
yohann didn't mind getting a hair cut from en.thiru but not me man .
i got experiences on how teachers cut hair last year.
so i called dad , and he did the same.
he didnt call my dad of course , he called his.

then later dad came to fetch me to get my hair cut. the usual barber we go to was close ( darn it )
so we went for some random indian barber . then , dad fetched me back to school. because of all the rush , my hair looks funny now.

back in school , we walked from class to class. we didnt know which one we belonged to as we were punished. walking aimlessly , we then found our class. LOL

it was quite a good first day ;
in a weird way.

mh.coec :)

Thursday 1 January 2009

happy 2009!

i dont know about you guys ,
i feel kinda odd about 2009.
it just sounds funny doesnt it ?
HAHAA ohwell .

ohyeahh , i was thinking of making a new year's resolution ,
so here it is ; ( crapped out at 12.50am )

1. gain WEIGHT! ( dont wana be called skinny anymore man )
2. study hard , form4 isnt like any other pieces of cake.
3. spend more time with close ones , hopefully!
4. SMILE more!
5 . do not hesitate to eat whenever hungry , because i wana .. ( resolution 1 )
6. say YES more often ( influenced after watching yes man , HAHA )
7. erm ermm , think of more resolutions! :D

anw, happy new year!
ooh, and syaza , beat that!
four updates in a row :P
mh.coec :)
bye 2008 !

ohhman, 2008 has been an awesome year ;
soo much have happened ,
so much to remember about

what i'll never forget that happened in year 08' :

1) having surprise bdays for friends! hajar's wasn't a surprise , but it still was good :D
he was definitely surprised :)

2) going for msss training and actually playing for petaling perdana!
the trainings were tough cow crap, seriously!
but then again, how are we to improve without suffering.
playing for petaling perdana was an awesome experience!
players were great , and so was the coach. thanks :D
we look serious and childish at the same time. HAHAH

3) celebrating festive seasons with friends

chinese new year and deepavali! ( couldnt find pictures on deepavali )
4) being in HOTandLOW !
( more vids are coming )

its just fun having to meet up with the rest and then brainstorming on what to vid about . HAHA

5) having shirt themes on tuition days

we'll always think of a theme to wear in tuition , like really random ones.
like, the browny day ? ooh, we were being lala . AHA
and also , the convict day. :D

6) cameron highlands ! just awesome!

ahh , i think ill stop here.
not that there's isnt anymore that i can remember,

but there's just so much more!
and im getting tired already ( 2.38am )
mh.coec :)
pmr results day! ( 30th dec 08' )

i woke up feeling excited but nervous a little at the same time. haha!
wore my uniform and then walked to school.
the first few people i saw was vincent , bryan and kyle outside of school ;
instead of talking about the results,
they were mumbling about japan/china.
kyle was missing china/japan. HAHA

the results came out at around 11am.
we had to line up according to our classes ,
and get our results one by one.
before it was my turn to get my results ;
there were people jumping and screaming in joy already ,
that didnt help me to calm myself obviously , feeling all jumpy ,
and then it was my turn .

class teacher : red
me : blue

ct: so munhong, you selalu tak dapat straight a's dalam trials kan ?

mh: yeah huh .
ct: jadi , how many a's do you think you will get this time ?
mh: erm, 6 maybe? hopefully 7 lah cikgu.

just before she was about to give me the slip ,

mh: wait teacher , i dont wana look at it first. ill look at it later.
ct: okay . but i nak hear you shout .

( was feeling excited after what she said)

so i flipped it over ,
and i got straight a's :D
thank God!

ooh , and i didnt really shout.
hahaha , was kinda happy , i couldnt .

anw, congrats to everyone else who got their results as well.

mh.coec :)
on the last day of 2008!

i was suppose to go to oneutama with my usj4 friends but i couldnt go as i kinda went out the night before. sorry guys ; im sure u guys had fun :)
i pretty much lazed at home the whole afternoon. at night, i went to eleena's bday party at her house. her bday is on the 31st of dec , nice isnt it ? soo, i walked over to mithun's hse and jowin fetched us from there. its always good to have a friend who can drive , ahha! im kidding man!

so, we reached there. three of us were the earliest ones. and then more people came , blah blah blah. ohhh, the food was good. spaghetti , with pizza and some salad and ohyeah, j.co doughnuts. so at the end of the night, we were all pretty much stuffed. ohyeahh, eleena's cousins and relatives were all there as well. she has a cousin who was dancing the macarena the whole night , LOL. and then another lil cousin was constantly running around ; came and stepped on my foot , ran off , and then did the same for quite some time . hahah! cute lil cousins man.

later arnd 10 plus, we went out to buy dvd's to watch. we got twilight and saw5. later , we played 'dare or dare' . its like 'truth or dare' but just 'dare or dare'. HAHA. and since we were all so filled , and there was alot more food left , our dares must have something to do with the food. first victim was vittal. he was dared to finish this can of MALAYSIAN MADE coke. jowin said it tasted like pepsi. HAHA . doesnt sound like much of a dare right ? but earlier before that, vittal said he hated the drink. so, that was the reason why we chosed that drink. anw, his dare : finish the can in a minute. lucky for him , he made it.

another example , eat 4 slices of pizza's in 4 minutes . its tough crap man! the bottle faced me , and i had to do it. i obviously couldnt finish it , damn . seriously felt like puking man , haha! and ohyeahh, if we fail to do the dare , we will be punished. i was suppose to do the macarena dance ( inspired by eleena's cousin i guess, HAHA ) but before i was gonna get punished, it was new year already! so, they all forgot about it :D go 2009 ! HAHA


after that , we got back into the house and started watching saw5. it was kinda boring to start the year off , so we switched it to twilight . HAHA . only mity, jowin and i got to stay for the whole show , the rest went home during the movie.
reached home at 3am .

and now , pictures ! :D

fara , dana , eleena and haresh.
(wow , i remember their names :D )

'ehk, where did all the kids go ?'


dana wishes to be as tall as usern.

jowin being a dad.

do i sense posers ?
hhahah! kidding .

i dont know why , but i kinda like this picture .

mh.coec :)