Wednesday 30 April 2008

there's sumting growing on my face that's bugging me .. oh wait , its called PIMPLES !

elow ppl .

long since i've bloged eh ? anyway , i was really busy for the past few days . busy with bball , busy with studies , busy with folios n hws , busy with ... hmmm , wat else .. ? after writing it down , it kinda makes me feel like i wasnt actualy busy for the past few days . BUT i was ! haha , man i feel so lame right now ..

anyway , ive been attending more bball trainings under lim choong . learned alot recently from his trainings . i even got to learn to use words like , ' ball' , 'shot' , and even ' help' . everytime someone forgets to say those few words when it is needed , the whole team has to run around the field saying either ' ball' , 'shot' or even ' help' . and thats tiring ! seriously .

besides bball , im also trying to catch up with my studies . im seriously blur these days whenever my history teacher , or even when my science teacher speaks . the worst thing is , history classes are so sleep-threathening . another word for it ... BOLING . crap , boling ? i meant , BORING !

how lame can i get ? hahahahaha ..

as for my folio's , im almost done with kh , need to pass it up tmr . then , after im done with my kh , ill start my geo one . dateline for that is on monday , which leaves me , 4 days . and to top it all off , i have a history folio to be done after exams . yay ! isnt that just exciting ? =.='!

ohyea , i havent been playing dota for a while now ! that proves how busy i am ! haha . LAME sense in tingling again .

neway , random pic :] [ i like this part the most in my posts , maybe coz its just so random . hahah !! ]

random pic during wedding .


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