Tuesday 8 April 2008

' I feel so lazzzzyy '

yes , im feeling so lazy these days . espeacially after basketball mssd . why ?

1 . maybe because i can't catch up with my studies after just missing a few days of skool . i mean , the teachers are all teaching so quickly like they're all extra paid if they get to finish more n more chapters asap . $$_$$ wth ?! for example : history and maths , the teachers are ahead of me by one chapter . CRAP !

2 . maybe there's just alot of work to do . folio's are beginning to pile up and then there's kerja kayu .

3. [maybe this is just the best reason why im getting lazier these days] history classes make me sleep! for my timetable , history classes are always by the end of skool , usually last or second last subject of the day . soo , by the time its history lesson , i will USUALLY be dozing off in class already . its not like i want to sleep in class , but like cannot tahan =.='!

if only they hav a couch like that in skool .. zzz

sooo , from now on , or maybe not now . errrm , maybe after msss selection training and all that , i will start to buckle up . im SERIOUSLY speaking ere . no joke . i'm so damn serious about this , i'll even say no to ..... .. .. .. [ drum roll ] .. ... . . dota !

haha , not to say that im addicted to the game [ IM NOT ! ] , but dota is almost all that some my classmates talk about in class . soo , im gonna say NO . thats how seriously serious i am .. hahah .

random pic's of the day ,

SMK USJ 13 , under 18 in yellow , under 15 in white , during mssd 08 .


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