Thursday 10 April 2008

10 april 08

elooow people . i've been going for the petaling perdana bball training selection lately , wed and thurs . im in the selected 18 and i will still be going for more trainings soon . ill have to work alot harder to make it for the team . i know that right now , im among the lousiest in the top 18 . i have a feeling i am . but what the heck , there's always time for improvement right ? *trying to motivate self . LOL

anyway ,

i havent been going to skool for the past two days since i went for the trainings . which means , more worked has piled up ! i heard i have to do my lisan next week , solo , all alone speaking in front of the class in BM =.='! and then i got another oral for english pulak . WTH ! all my work are pilling up , forming a tower in no time .. haiihhzz .

Besides that ,

i think im doing well without playing dota lately . [ related to my previous post , if u havent read it yet , then go go , its just beneath this one .. i'll wait for u while u read that one .. ]




done ?

* continues *

as i was saying , im doing great without playing dota . LOL . soo far , i said ' NO ' to 3 people who asked me to play dota . isn't that good news ? haha . im kinda proud of myself actually , don't mind :P hahaha . i don't know how long i will say 'NO' to dota , but all i know is , its gonnna be a long time till i play it la .

ohyea ,

i was tagged by syaza . here goes ,

The rules:-
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
OK? All set?

Heeerrreee wweee gooo!

-Fact Number 1!

i hate powder kind of milk and butter ! seriously . i feel disgusted when i smell butter , it just smells bad for me =.=' as for milk powder , it just tastes bad . don't u guys think so ? its like ... , imagine drinking milk which are just out of a cow . ew , im gonna puke man .

-Fact Number 2!

i never liked seeing hair [those which are no longer on ure head] , lying around the floor/table/ or anywhere . it just disgusts me . espeacially during makan time , it ruins my appetite man ! =.='

-Fact Number 3!

i have a guitar . but i suck playing it . i actually went for classes , but i had to stop coz i was getting busy with more n more stuff that time . so , i had to let that class go . now , im trying to learn through the net but the chords i searched for , are all so hard for me to understand :( dang . LOL

-Fact Number 4!

sometimes i can't make my own decisions . some of u might already now that .

-Fact Number 5!

erm , i ate a fried spider before ? haha . it tasted good :]

- a sad Fact Number 6!

imma a banana . now , isnt that just obvious ?

-Fact Number 7!

im fifteen this year . most of the people who didn't know my age at first thought i was 18 - 20 years old . wow !

-Fact Number 8!

i really want to drive !

who i'm gonna tag ?

1 .charlotte
2. kanch

3. manda
4. hmm , who else ? anyone else . u can do it if ure bored =.='!

okay . thats all for now . and as for today's random picture ,

speak no evil , hear no evil , and see no evil - lah ! [ taken in ipoh ,2007. ]


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