Saturday 12 April 2008

shade-owww .

as i walked home just as midnight strikes , i saw every step taken , being followed by someone . i managed to catch a glance at it , it was my shadow . a slightly darker version of me that is . i gave a sight of relief . but as i was looking at it , it suddenly faded away . i was like ' wth !'

after thinking about it for quite some time , i finally reached home .the shadow incident kinda told me something .

sometimes in life , u might have everything u want or maybe everything u need . the shadow represents all that . during those days when u have them , u won't really notice or even care about it as u see it so common . like for example , don't tell me u will get all excited n hyped whenever u see ure own shadow . u won't rite ? haha .

then the shadow suddenly disappears . thats the time where all that u have suddenly went missing . you will/might start to think of its absence , and maybe u might start to miss it . but im not trying to say that i missed my shadow during that time lah ! it just kept me wondering , like ,

' how the hell it went missing all of a sudden ? most probably it was because of some lightings or that place was slightly brighter on one side ? , but it was totally at night and i don't rmb any lights around the road i was walking on '

so , what im trying to say is that . sometime's u won't know what u've got till its gone [ i got that from a song ] haha . but basicaly , thats what i meant :]

[ a great song ]

ohyea , random pic .

my num during hari sukan ,2008 . the worst hari sukan , i only got one medal out of 4 events =.='!


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