Friday 9 May 2008

Pictures ! :]

smkusj13 ballers .

petaling perdana .1

with some of the petaling utama's.

petaling perdana with guru bimbingan ! LOL.

pp , FIGHT !

3rd place :]

petaling perdana .2

petaling perdana .3

the b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l view .

swimming pool :]

before game :]

nice pose teachers :]


a fun war :]
( 6/05/08 - 9/05/08 )

man , i got so much to talk about. msss bball for 4 days was just awesome :] ill just start with a simple ...

once upon a story , there lived a small and ugly toad . oh wait, why am i telling the story of the ugly toad *get a grip of ureself mh* =.='! but i do pity the toad lah , being called ugly . i mean , it doesnt look that diff compared to a frog right ? if a toad is ugly , then a frog is ugly too lah . HAHA ! must create an aware-ness club for this or else toads will be easily bullied man . LOL !

frog [ above ] and a toad [ below ] - don't they just look alike ?

anyway ,
I just got back from kuala selangor at around 7 pm plus today. msss bball was held there, and i got to play for PETALING PERDANA :] wheeee . im so lucky to get selected into the team. as they say , 'Good things come with a high price' << [ oh wait , is it right ? ] we had to go for the selection trainings which lasted for around 2-3 weeks i think. and trust me , its really tiring. try running just one round around smkusj12's field calling for 'help' while u jog . tired yet ? and thats only one round , more mistakes more rounds. NOT to forget suicides and sprints =.=' thats for the trainings. as tough as it sounds , it was all worth it , to get into the team :]

at kuala selangor on the first day [ tuesday] , we checked into the apartments , unpacked and then slacked around :] we didnt have a game that day , so it was kinda relaxing. ohyea , the view from the apartment balcony was darn nice. [view from the balcony] -a swimming pool 9 floors down , the sea , lots of sand at the edge of the sea ( its not a beach , im not stupid. hahahah , the sand looked dirty and i heard sumone said that , that place was for some perlombongan , or some other activities lah . i dunnoe wat it was for, but it looked good ! ) , there was also a paya air masin there . wat do u call a paya in english again ? errrrrrrrrrmmmmm..... forget about that . on the first night , i slept on the hall floor , with lots of others . uncomfortable man . didnt sleep well at all . back pain sikit =.='

on the second day , we played against petaling utama. we won that game by 3 points :] i don't rmb what we did after that for the whole day tho. haha .. then on the third day , played against hulu langat , hulu selangor and klang . all 3 games in one day ! was darn tiring but fun :] results from those 3 games :

against hulu langat - we lost .
against hulu selangor - won :]
against klang - lost =.='!

soo , over all , we got third in the whole msss . go PETALING PERDANA ! :]

i guess thats all for my msss . eventhough it was just for four days , alot has happened in that short period of time. i got to meet new people , learned more about bball , learned to appreciate my mum washing all my dirty jerseys =.=' and i even got to add new words into my chinese vocab ! [ its not small anymore , im a riped banana now ! hahahahhah ]

before i end my post , i would like to thank ... [ ahhh , like winning the grammys :) ]

thanks coach lim chong for all his coachings . i seriously learned alot of new things after going for his trainings. thx to the guru bimbingan for being there for our team . N terima kasih to all my team mates for everything. was definitely fun to be apart of the PETALING PERDANA team :]

thx !

mh_coec :]

1 comment:

  1. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....
    Frogs r bleuks..
    Toads r even worst..
    If this world had frogs tt look super duper cute..
    i won't be hating them this much..
    i got an msn emoticon of a froggie tt looooks super cute..sad it doesn't exist..haha
