Tuesday 27 May 2008

a visit to Rumah Shalom on 27 may :]

Pic-churs !

charlotte, cool and ____ [sorry i forgot ure name dude =.= ]

sm and manda in the bus. sm shy-ing arnd. haha !

the guys there .

uuhhhh ..

singing happily :]

lilian posed out of no where. haha

smile :]

cool and retarded me =.='

daniel is his name right ?

where we visited , Rumah Shalom.

senyum la . aha

interact club organised an orphanage trip to Rumah Shalom on the 27th may. and i went ! haha . at first i didnt really know about the trip, until some friends told me bout it. i asked kenny to put my name in, and i was actually hoping for an empty place because i heard it was full weeks ago. at the end , i got to go and some of my friends couldnt. sweat !

soo, the bus took off from skool at 7 plus. were suppose to reach there by 8 i guess , but the bus driver didnt know the way there =.=! once we reached there, greeted them and all. first thing we all noticed when we got into the hse was, there were so many tophies ! i heard all of them were runners, loved running and would compete among one another. wow ! i needed tips on how to run from them but i forgot to ask! haha. i was talking to this guy there, forgot his name [ oooh man, my memory sucks ! ] , and he told bout how much those kids there loved running. and then i ran out of questions. ----- a moment of silence ----- man , i suck at socialising ! help, anyone ? or ill just call 999 for help again. useless number wouldnt give me the help i need. =.=

then , the interact bod planned some games. most of us had fun, espeacially the lil kids there. some were amazed by camera's and some overjoyed and couldnt stay still. feeling high kids ? haha. after the games and all , went into the hse and interacted with them. [ i still need socialising help ! ] then , sang some songs and took pictures with them before leaving. soo , that was about it for the Rumah Shalom trip that day. eventhough it was just two hours with them, it was fun for me and i really hoped they enjoyed our presence too :]

mh_coec :]

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