Wednesday 21 May 2008

woohooo , mid term exams finally waved goodbye !

see , we really studied n crammed ! [stress giler XP ]

mid terms are finally over. no more last minute revision cramming ! wheeee . ohyea , more good news , man united won the champions league !

i was so semangat , i woke up at 3 plus and catched the first half. my first impression when i set my eyes on the tv was, *why on earth is the game fast forwarding when its a live game ?! * then only i noticed that there was nothing wrong with the game. the players were just running like crazy. its like all of them catching fire on the field man XD * wow ! champions league final punya game quality ! LOL * i was actually kinda blur that time coz i just got out of my bed , what do u expect ? anyway , i only got to watch the first half of the game. i went back to bed after that =.='! Then arnd 6, i woke up again for skool. got the news that man united won ! glory glory man united , glory glory man united [ and the song continues ] hahah .

went to skool after that, and sat my siviks and kh paper. sivik was enjoyable , haha . slept 30 mins during that test. during kh, i only slept 15 minutes =.=' it was tough , i shud have did more revision. ooohhh mann , im regreting now :( wth .

after skool , slacked at home. wanted to use the com, but dad said ' NO, go do your own thing.' wth , what own thing ? my exams are just over, y cant i just use the com ?. then he gave a loooong moment of silence , not answering me. =.='!

swt !
went into my room , and noticed my guitar collecting dust at the corner of my room. haha , so i took it out and started playing it. i still suck badly , ooowwhh maan . having big problems when it comes to switching chords. i need help ! anyone ?! i called 999 for help and they said they will call up my parents if i call them again -.-?

mh_coec :]

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