Thursday 5 June 2008

ohno, my blog is doing it again , its collecting DUST !


hey u, yeah u . welcome back to the not-so-oftenly-visited blog ! if ure a first-timer ere , please don't be shy to leave a message or a comment on ure right [ points my finger to the right ] >>>
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alright , all the crapping has gotten me into the 'blogging' mood already :]

so, last wednesday HOTandLOW had a meeting. all were suppose to meet at the park in usj3/3c at 11am. but some were XTRA 'punctual'. u know who u are people. *ahem*ahem* haha. kidding ! then we all meet up, got lunch and then got back to sanesh's place to discuss and shoot a vid. for the first 30mins or maybe an hour or so , we are all practically playing around with other stuffs. example like, playing the toy guns in sanesh's hse which was really cool ! [this may sound kiddy BUT trust me, it is cool . ] , then surfed the net to get inspiration on what to make a video of . ooh, some of the guys got to catch fairly odd parents on tv that time too , so that kinda distracted us as well . hahah !

then, we started making the video. and at the end, we got to finish it on time. syaza and julia edited the vid but the bacground sounds are not put in yet. it will be posted on youtube soon i guess. i will tell u guys about it , dont worry :]

guess thats all for that wednesday.

random pic :

goofing off . hahah .

hey, we can get serious sometimes , except for pang =.='!
[man i look weird]
mh_coec :]

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