Thursday 12 June 2008

back to school again.

woah, its just one week since school re-open , and now i got so much homework on my shoulders. heavy burden on my shoulders pulling me down down down. ooh, maybe thats why im not getting taller these days. MATHS espeacially. arghhh , maths textbook , maths activity book. so much for a relaxing weekend.

volume of pyramid = 1/3 x base area x height
volume of cylinder = pie x r x r x height [ is it even right ? ]

besides my heavy and burden-ful homework , i also got my exam results back. marks kinda dropped for this exam. my BM is still a 'B' . never have i gotten an 'A' for bm since like std6 man. how the hell am i gonna get 7 'a's for PMR lah ? everyone is expecting 7'a's , and it seemed so easy for those who got it already. How do you'all do it !? The last time they expected 5'a's for UPSR and i got only 4 must have dissapointed some. Lucky its not an improtant exam, LOL. oooh crapp, PMR is just four months away.

okay , ill study more from now on. and im damn serious . HAHA !

until ere.

was thinking of u :)
ooh, thats not ju-onn behind me , thats my sis :P
mh_coec :]

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