Saturday 1 March 2008

The Update ! [ back by popular demand :P ]

surprisingly , i've been studying alot lately , espeacially HISTORY . * im serious * maybe cause exam is jz a few days away , and im trying to cramp everything in my brains . haha . my memory capacity is either full or jz small coz every time i try to rmb something new , it will either take a long time to get in my head , or else it jz wont go in =.='! its like trying to stuff an elephant into ure damn fridge . that kinda thing ... oh well .

i dont know why but lessons in my class these day's are rather tiring . i've been sleeping in class quite often lately . its not like want to , but i just feel sleepy =.='! ill just doze off in the middle of the class , n then wake up noticing the teacher giving me a weird stare . haha .. but its not my fault the lessons were booring and sleep - threatening [ .... ]

besides my studies ......

the bball team is in training for mssd . stamina training is wat we've been doing for the past few trainings . n then got to learn new defense , all the others .. im already getting excited for mssd , damn . now , im jz waiting for the exams to be over . right after the last exam paper , it will be hoops everyday .. alright !

guess im just gonna update till ere . have to go zzzzzz to wake up for xtra tution class tmr morn . then after the tution class , i guess i will study till the day ends. haha ! if possible , i would la . IF possible that is ..


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