Saturday 1 March 2008

11 / 02 / 08 !

i got my alarm to wake me up at 9 . washed up , took a shower n then got a light breakfast before heading to miss cheam's hse . [for those who dunoe , miss cheam is actually my primary skool teacher .] i wasnt really sure where her hse was . i thot her hse was near another fren's hse , went to that place , n noticed it was the wrong address . mum scolded me again for not knowing the directions =.='! so , i called up miss cheam , got to noe the directions , n got there ten minutes later .

i saw dain , tessa , janice , yin ting , muidz , marissa , choc and charis there . talked n played cards . miss cheam didnt allow us to bet with $$ , so she gave us peanuts to bet on . haha ! funny way to bet but it was fun winning more peanuts . hehe . hope to get the pics from marissa , will post it as soon as i get it .

afterthat , went to get pizza . got home , n jz a few minutes later nicole n goucelia came . wow , i havent seen m'sians this punctual . haha .. later , more came n we watched sawII . its quite an old movie , but what the heck . throughout the movie , i think nicole n charlotte n kanch shouted the most . ouch ! my ears were in pain =.=' haha ! i cant wait to watch saw 3 , ter-paksa go and borrow some1's dvd asap .

later , some of us walked to charlotte's place . watched another movie there , stomp the yard . but only like 30 minutes . LOL walked to mc'ds n then to the rooftop . finally got to go to the rooftop ! [ me , choc , justin , nicole] only one of the walls had a really nice grafitti , the rest looked normal . nicole n charlotte was cam-whoring almost the time we were there ! haha . pics will soon be uploaded * feeling real tired already , we walked bac . got tumpang-ed bac , thx charlotte .

after reaching home , suddenly rmb-ed all the hw i've piled up . CRAP ! started doin some , but couldnt finish . * i think i'll just copy from the rest in class tmr * haha !

dozed off .

mh .

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