Friday 28 March 2008


yo humans .

well , i woke up around 5.55 am . i couldnt sleep , didnt know why but i just couldnt sleep . maybe there wasn't enough sheeps that jumped over the fence the night before i slept =.='

so , woke up , noticed the time , felt so useless at that time . went down and played a game of dota on gg . haha . i wasn't surprise to see so many ppl online playing dota . so , as usual , i will die more than i kill =.='! im still a beginner alrite ?!

later around 1.10 pm , i got my lunch and rushed to skool . btw , i was actually suppose to go to skool on that morn but i was just lazy =.=' plus , im having a mssd bball match against smk sj that afternoon , so IF i went to skool , i would have to rush . lucky i didnt go to skool :]

played the mssd bball match against smk sj arnd 3 plus . the score was 27 - 8 , we won . [ our next match will be against smk bandar puchong jaya 'a' on next tues . im expecting a surprise from that team , coz i havent actually heard of that skool before . soo , must be really careful . haha ! ]

after the match , me , cs , and seh wei followed wei kang [ coach ] to a primary skool there , sk sri serdang i think thats the name of the skool . on the way there , in the car , weird things happened . we got hungry / coach started getting crazy / he went singing / seh wei followed / i followed / so did cs . =.=! anway , the primary skool has two courts , one with a kinda-low-ring and the other one was the normal size one. my coach was actually coaching the lil kids there , so we hadto sit at the side of the court , watching =.=! ohyea , i can slam on the court with the kinda-low-ring . slamming felt GOOD :]

those lil kids reminded me of my old times in my primary skool man , all running around :] and those small kids can play bball ! dribbling , shooting , lay-up , and one of them can cut his opponents easily . WOW ! *jaw dropped , and touched the floor * hahaha .

after that , got back to usj13. played a lil bball before going back . that was all that happened on that day . till here then , chaow . ohyea , before i go , today's random pic :]

i was so happy flying , until charlotte's leg appeared :] haha .


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