Monday 17 March 2008

[ohyea , descriptions are all at the bottom of the pic , not on top .]

blur . and the shirt was given by syaza .

syaza gangster doh .

where the hell is the ball goin ? haha .

the ventriloquist at work with his dummy :]

have u guys seen my chilli and tomato sauce ?.

its called master piece , not trash !

everything tastes good when we're hungry :]

disussing , seriously !

still discussing seriously :]

12 / 03 / 08

i had a gd sleep :] that is until my alarm woke me up at 7.30! i woke up thinking , ' why the hell did i put the alarm on a holiday weekday !? ooh waiiit , REUNION and filming at usj4! ohyeeaaaa . haha. ' well , i didnt actually laugh in my thoughts , its just a way of saying it ..

n then , got all ready , headed to usj4 court , and noticed it was drizzling . NO ONE was at the park =.=' ! so , i walked to syaza's hse which was MORE than a stone throws away . well , it was only 2 minutes from the park . haha . there , met bunch of others . played the same game they always play , naruto =.="! [ mh - syaza : next time chg game k ? haha ! ]

after that, went out to play bball . then met up with those 'punctual' one's there , joon keit and faruq . ahha , just kidding !

joon keit
syafiq [ syaza's bro ]
'joshua' [ syaza's cousin] - sorry dude , i forgot ure name =.='

'did i forget anyone ?'

after bball and all , went bac to syaza's crib. we ordered mcd's for lunch . apparently , our order was too ' BIG ' that they have to come withing TWO hours . yea , they said two hours. wth ! isnt mc'ds delivery suppose to come like within 15 - 25 mins or sumting like that !? we decided to call again , and this time they said in ONE hour time . and they were having heavy traffic on their phonelines =.='! ' u really think we care ?! '

one hour later , the delivery guy came . the worst thing was that the french fries we're cold and soggy. well , any food that lies in front of our eyes would definetely taste good at that moment ! gobbled down the meal . n then , we discussed about the production crew . that was when we got our name , HOT and LOW . ohyea, we also tooks a few vids to start off . had fun :]

i guess that covers almost the whole reunion and filming day .

* hope u readers out there actually understood what i wrote . IF u didn't , then read it again la ! more pics will be uploaded the next time i check my blog :]


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