Thursday 13 March 2008

' HOT and LOW , what about that for the name ? '

right now , some of u might have these questions in your head ,

1 ) what's the name for ?
2 ) what's does hot and low mean ?

or maybe questions like these ,

3 ) why am i feeling so blur ?


4 ) why am i feeling so hungry after reading this ?

lucky for you , i have answers to your questions . [ maybe for the first two only , i mean , how am i suppose to know why your feeling hungry after reading this post ? =.=! ]

well , HOT and LOW actually stands for :

H - hear
O - our
T - trash


L - love
O - our
W - work . [ answers question num2 right ? ]

the name is actually for a production crew who will produce videos to be put on youtube ,
most probably only comedy .

reason why this crew is formed ?
= just for the fun , i guess :]

anyway , this crew is just formed and videos are still in process . meaning , they are not posted on youtube yet . so , be very patient ! i'll post and blog about it when the first video is out , so dont worry people .


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