Monday 31 March 2008

31 march 08.

peserta ke garisan , sedia , pwreeettttt [ sound of whistle ? ] haha

today almost half of the skool went to masushita , shah alam for all the saring-ans and a few finals for all the runnings before hari sukan . there was around 5 buses that took all the runners to the stadium . wow ! since when the skool is so rich to rent those buses , when they didn't even fix other smaller stuffs like fixing the basketball nets / serving better food during recess / fixing those stinking toilets that can possibly kill some one by just its smell =.='!

[ haha , isn't this just funny ?. ]

anyway , the buses took quite some time to get us there , heavy traffic . reached there , and the runners all started warming up and stuff before their events . i took 1500 m , 200 m , 400 m . only 1500 m was the finals on that day , i got lucky bronze :] as for 200 m and 400 m , it was the saringan , so i will be running the finals on sports day . ooh yea , syahbandar runners did well . i think we're ranked num2 now , behind hulubalang , or maybe we're ahead . NO IDEA ! haha

the food sold in the cafeteria was quite cheap . had a quite satisfying meal :] after that , got home . went online , bathe , then went for bball at 13. was darn tired d , lagi lah after all the running . soo , i guess that was all for today :]

random pic of the day ,

[ emo + superman's pose ? ]


Friday 28 March 2008


yo humans .

well , i woke up around 5.55 am . i couldnt sleep , didnt know why but i just couldnt sleep . maybe there wasn't enough sheeps that jumped over the fence the night before i slept =.='

so , woke up , noticed the time , felt so useless at that time . went down and played a game of dota on gg . haha . i wasn't surprise to see so many ppl online playing dota . so , as usual , i will die more than i kill =.='! im still a beginner alrite ?!

later around 1.10 pm , i got my lunch and rushed to skool . btw , i was actually suppose to go to skool on that morn but i was just lazy =.=' plus , im having a mssd bball match against smk sj that afternoon , so IF i went to skool , i would have to rush . lucky i didnt go to skool :]

played the mssd bball match against smk sj arnd 3 plus . the score was 27 - 8 , we won . [ our next match will be against smk bandar puchong jaya 'a' on next tues . im expecting a surprise from that team , coz i havent actually heard of that skool before . soo , must be really careful . haha ! ]

after the match , me , cs , and seh wei followed wei kang [ coach ] to a primary skool there , sk sri serdang i think thats the name of the skool . on the way there , in the car , weird things happened . we got hungry / coach started getting crazy / he went singing / seh wei followed / i followed / so did cs . =.=! anway , the primary skool has two courts , one with a kinda-low-ring and the other one was the normal size one. my coach was actually coaching the lil kids there , so we hadto sit at the side of the court , watching =.=! ohyea , i can slam on the court with the kinda-low-ring . slamming felt GOOD :]

those lil kids reminded me of my old times in my primary skool man , all running around :] and those small kids can play bball ! dribbling , shooting , lay-up , and one of them can cut his opponents easily . WOW ! *jaw dropped , and touched the floor * hahaha .

after that , got back to usj13. played a lil bball before going back . that was all that happened on that day . till here then , chaow . ohyea , before i go , today's random pic :]

i was so happy flying , until charlotte's leg appeared :] haha .


Wednesday 19 March 2008

Pic of The day ?

Description : pisces [ fishy fish ... fish ] / souled - out / wedding dinner in sg / having-too-much-free-time / formal clothes ..

i just felt like updating my blog , but didn't know what to write . so , here's the update !


Monday 17 March 2008

[ohyea , descriptions are all at the bottom of the pic , not on top .]

blur . and the shirt was given by syaza .

syaza gangster doh .

where the hell is the ball goin ? haha .

the ventriloquist at work with his dummy :]

have u guys seen my chilli and tomato sauce ?.

its called master piece , not trash !

everything tastes good when we're hungry :]

disussing , seriously !

still discussing seriously :]

12 / 03 / 08

i had a gd sleep :] that is until my alarm woke me up at 7.30! i woke up thinking , ' why the hell did i put the alarm on a holiday weekday !? ooh waiiit , REUNION and filming at usj4! ohyeeaaaa . haha. ' well , i didnt actually laugh in my thoughts , its just a way of saying it ..

n then , got all ready , headed to usj4 court , and noticed it was drizzling . NO ONE was at the park =.=' ! so , i walked to syaza's hse which was MORE than a stone throws away . well , it was only 2 minutes from the park . haha . there , met bunch of others . played the same game they always play , naruto =.="! [ mh - syaza : next time chg game k ? haha ! ]

after that, went out to play bball . then met up with those 'punctual' one's there , joon keit and faruq . ahha , just kidding !

joon keit
syafiq [ syaza's bro ]
'joshua' [ syaza's cousin] - sorry dude , i forgot ure name =.='

'did i forget anyone ?'

after bball and all , went bac to syaza's crib. we ordered mcd's for lunch . apparently , our order was too ' BIG ' that they have to come withing TWO hours . yea , they said two hours. wth ! isnt mc'ds delivery suppose to come like within 15 - 25 mins or sumting like that !? we decided to call again , and this time they said in ONE hour time . and they were having heavy traffic on their phonelines =.='! ' u really think we care ?! '

one hour later , the delivery guy came . the worst thing was that the french fries we're cold and soggy. well , any food that lies in front of our eyes would definetely taste good at that moment ! gobbled down the meal . n then , we discussed about the production crew . that was when we got our name , HOT and LOW . ohyea, we also tooks a few vids to start off . had fun :]

i guess that covers almost the whole reunion and filming day .

* hope u readers out there actually understood what i wrote . IF u didn't , then read it again la ! more pics will be uploaded the next time i check my blog :]


Thursday 13 March 2008

' HOT and LOW , what about that for the name ? '

right now , some of u might have these questions in your head ,

1 ) what's the name for ?
2 ) what's does hot and low mean ?

or maybe questions like these ,

3 ) why am i feeling so blur ?


4 ) why am i feeling so hungry after reading this ?

lucky for you , i have answers to your questions . [ maybe for the first two only , i mean , how am i suppose to know why your feeling hungry after reading this post ? =.=! ]

well , HOT and LOW actually stands for :

H - hear
O - our
T - trash


L - love
O - our
W - work . [ answers question num2 right ? ]

the name is actually for a production crew who will produce videos to be put on youtube ,
most probably only comedy .

reason why this crew is formed ?
= just for the fun , i guess :]

anyway , this crew is just formed and videos are still in process . meaning , they are not posted on youtube yet . so , be very patient ! i'll post and blog about it when the first video is out , so dont worry people .


Sunday 9 March 2008

09/03/08 !

1 ) its charlotte's 15th bday !! :]
2) its my grandparents bday dinner :]

haha . how the day started for me :

woke up around 10 am , was considered quite early after sleeping at 2 am . bread and eggs for breakfast . then , played a dota game [ lost badly ] haha . after that , got ready n left for sunway pyramid after kanch reached my hse . there , we bought some stuff n kanch got her hair straightener =.='!! she was really happy after getting it , and i mean HAPPY . haha !

then , took cab bac [ hey , cab and bac are exactly opposite . haha ] bac to mc'ds . met ppl there , but they weren't all early . said 3 o'clock , reach 3.10 , 3.15 =.='! apala . ppl who were at mc'ds : kanch , nicole , hari , chris , divo , devien , jeremy , jason , kevin and i . choc came slightly later tho . all wished her , then got ourselves food to eat , talked blah blah blah . haha . then , me , chris , kanch n devien gave an excuse to leave mc'ds .

we hadta go to choc's hse to help with the preparations but was raining heavily . kanch called cab . 5 mins later , cab came , but the rain got damn heavy [ most probably result from hari's singing ] aha jk! as i was saying , cab came. we were all thinking how to get into the cab with the rain so heavy . the next thing i saw was kanch running to the cab already . she ran , n open the taxi door , BUT it didnt open . the taxi driver most probably forgot to unlock it ! she had to stand under the rain for xtra 2-3 seconds which gave her xtra soaking . lol

then when we got to choc's hse , manda , sm , jia n zhi ji were there decorating d . after all the complications , we finally got a plan . haha ! got jason , kevin , jeremy n hari to come bac to the hse first . i dont know wat excuse they told choc , but they made it la . then , choc's sis went and fetch her bac from taipan . SURPRISED choc in her own hse , got her to blow off the candles a few times . [ man , u hav many wishes :) ] then , we jz lepaked there till 6 plus , then i left for grandparents bday dinner .

big thx to amanda , the mastermind of the whole surprise . and to everyone else who helped , and made it for the surprise .

mh_coec :]

Saturday 1 March 2008

The Update ! [ back by popular demand :P ]

surprisingly , i've been studying alot lately , espeacially HISTORY . * im serious * maybe cause exam is jz a few days away , and im trying to cramp everything in my brains . haha . my memory capacity is either full or jz small coz every time i try to rmb something new , it will either take a long time to get in my head , or else it jz wont go in =.='! its like trying to stuff an elephant into ure damn fridge . that kinda thing ... oh well .

i dont know why but lessons in my class these day's are rather tiring . i've been sleeping in class quite often lately . its not like want to , but i just feel sleepy =.='! ill just doze off in the middle of the class , n then wake up noticing the teacher giving me a weird stare . haha .. but its not my fault the lessons were booring and sleep - threatening [ .... ]

besides my studies ......

the bball team is in training for mssd . stamina training is wat we've been doing for the past few trainings . n then got to learn new defense , all the others .. im already getting excited for mssd , damn . now , im jz waiting for the exams to be over . right after the last exam paper , it will be hoops everyday .. alright !

guess im just gonna update till ere . have to go zzzzzz to wake up for xtra tution class tmr morn . then after the tution class , i guess i will study till the day ends. haha ! if possible , i would la . IF possible that is ..

11 / 02 / 08 !

i got my alarm to wake me up at 9 . washed up , took a shower n then got a light breakfast before heading to miss cheam's hse . [for those who dunoe , miss cheam is actually my primary skool teacher .] i wasnt really sure where her hse was . i thot her hse was near another fren's hse , went to that place , n noticed it was the wrong address . mum scolded me again for not knowing the directions =.='! so , i called up miss cheam , got to noe the directions , n got there ten minutes later .

i saw dain , tessa , janice , yin ting , muidz , marissa , choc and charis there . talked n played cards . miss cheam didnt allow us to bet with $$ , so she gave us peanuts to bet on . haha ! funny way to bet but it was fun winning more peanuts . hehe . hope to get the pics from marissa , will post it as soon as i get it .

afterthat , went to get pizza . got home , n jz a few minutes later nicole n goucelia came . wow , i havent seen m'sians this punctual . haha .. later , more came n we watched sawII . its quite an old movie , but what the heck . throughout the movie , i think nicole n charlotte n kanch shouted the most . ouch ! my ears were in pain =.=' haha ! i cant wait to watch saw 3 , ter-paksa go and borrow some1's dvd asap .

later , some of us walked to charlotte's place . watched another movie there , stomp the yard . but only like 30 minutes . LOL walked to mc'ds n then to the rooftop . finally got to go to the rooftop ! [ me , choc , justin , nicole] only one of the walls had a really nice grafitti , the rest looked normal . nicole n charlotte was cam-whoring almost the time we were there ! haha . pics will soon be uploaded * feeling real tired already , we walked bac . got tumpang-ed bac , thx charlotte .

after reaching home , suddenly rmb-ed all the hw i've piled up . CRAP ! started doin some , but couldnt finish . * i think i'll just copy from the rest in class tmr * haha !

dozed off .

mh .