Tuesday 9 June 2009


some stranger came online and started talking to me , as if he knows me.
so here is how it went , ( no offence dude , your just funny ) hahah .

[02:16] munhong!: yes ?>
[02:19] joshualoveher: sup?
[02:20] munhong!: siapa ni ?
[02:20] joshualoveher: joshua
[02:20] munhong!: yes joshua
[02:20] munhong!: which josh are u lah ?
[02:20] joshualoveher: joshua tan la
[02:20] munhong!: right
[02:20] munhong!: joshua tan from jambatan ?
[02:21] munhong!: i dont know u -.-
[02:21] joshualoveher: i noe u!
[02:21] munhong!: yeah u do
[02:21] joshualoveher:
[02:21] munhong!: who doesnt ?
[02:21] joshualoveher: lam
[02:21] joshualoveher: e
[02:21] munhong!: ;D
[02:21] munhong!: so how i know u again ?
[02:22] joshualoveher: i met u years ago
[02:22] munhong!: right
[02:22] munhong!: must be the wrong munhong
[02:22] munhong!: i dont know a josh tan,
[02:22] munhong!: years ago
[02:22] munhong!: or even know
[02:22] munhong!: *now
[02:22] joshualoveher: i only noe1munhong
[02:22] munhong!: whats my sir name again ?
[02:23] joshualoveher: er..
[02:23] joshualoveher: i 4got
[02:23] munhong!: GOOD
[02:23] munhong!: now ,
[02:23] munhong!: bye
[02:23] joshualoveher: chil man
[02:24] munhong!: chlli ?"
[02:24] munhong!: heck ,.
[02:24] munhong!: i dont know u man
[02:24] munhong!: dont pretend to know me
[02:24] joshualoveher: i noe yy
[02:24] joshualoveher: u
[02:24] joshualoveher: u r mun hong26
[02:25] munhong!: waaaa
[02:25] munhong!: who doesnt know ?
[02:25] munhong!: hahhaa
[02:25] joshualoveher: some pople?
[02:25] munhong!: eh blind ass
[02:25] munhong!: its written in my email add lah
[02:25] joshualoveher: ur mum never taught u manners?
[02:26] munhong!: your mum never teach u to not talk to strangers ?
[02:26] munhong!: small kid
[02:26] munhong!: bye
[02:26] joshualoveher: u r nt a stranger
[02:26] munhong!: hmmmm ,
[02:26] munhong!: what do u know about me ?
[02:26] munhong!: tell me .
[02:26] joshualoveher: u r a boy
[02:26] munhong!: WOW!
[02:27] munhong!: captain obvious!
[02:27] munhong!: you got one right@
[02:27] munhong!: go on
[02:27] joshualoveher: hm..
[02:27] munhong!: oh wait
[02:27] munhong!: let me help.
[02:27] munhong!: my name is munhong ?
[02:27] munhong!: WAAAA!
[02:27] joshualoveher: yea
[02:27] munhong!: double the clap!
[02:27] munhong!: awesome
[02:27] munhong!: YOU know me soooo well!
[02:28] munhong!: anymore ?
[02:28] joshualoveher: thz
[02:28] joshualoveher: hm..
[02:28] joshualoveher: u r 26 years old?
[02:28] munhong!: WOW!
[02:28] munhong!: that was unexpected
[02:28] munhong!: but goood :!
[02:28] munhong!: 3 facts right
[02:28] joshualoveher: i was right?

[02:28] munhong!: goood job buddy!
[02:28] munhong!: ermm
[02:28] munhong!: yeah
[02:28] joshualoveher: oh
[02:28] munhong!: 7 more facts about me ,
[02:28] joshualoveher: ok
[02:28] munhong!: u can be my best friend!
[02:28] joshualoveher: hm..
[02:28] munhong!:
[02:29] joshualoveher: you have a cock
[02:29] munhong!: that one not counted lah
[02:29] munhong!: which guy dont have
[02:29] munhong!: get reasonable.
[02:29] munhong!: or else , ill get lazy to talk.
[02:29] joshualoveher: maybe u chop it of?
[02:30] munhong!: lame ass
[02:30] joshualoveher: ok
[02:30] joshualoveher: let me tink
[02:30] munhong!: i dont do things u do dumbtard
[02:30] joshualoveher: u masturbate?
[02:31] munhong!: WOW!
[02:31] munhong!: thats 4 rights
[02:31] munhong!: go on
[02:31] munhong!: lame shit ,
[02:31] joshualoveher: yay
[02:31] joshualoveher: u blowjob?
[02:31] munhong!: u go on one more which is senseless,
[02:31] munhong!: u lose .
[02:31] munhong!: noobshit
[02:31] munhong!: who doesnt ?
[02:31] joshualoveher: wtf
[02:31] munhong!: DUMBTARD
[02:32] joshualoveher: jk
[02:32] munhong!: eh joker , you think your very funny >?
[02:32] joshualoveher: mayb
[02:33] munhong!: dont do all those things for attention ,
[02:33] munhong!: go read a book or something ,
[02:33] munhong!: u might be grateful to even understand the front cover tho
[02:33] joshualoveher: hey!
[02:33] munhong!: goodluck.
[02:33] joshualoveher: i m not dum
[02:33] joshualoveher: ok
[02:33] munhong!: ofcourse your not dumb
[02:34] joshualoveher: im jz a lil ndum
[02:34] munhong!: you just have a nut for a brain
[02:34] munhong!: i dont blame
[02:34] munhong!: i really dont!
[02:34] joshualoveher: r u a christian?
[02:34] munhong!: how does that concern u ?
[02:35] joshualoveher: jz answer big ass
[02:35] munhong!: sorry u dont have an ass.
[02:35] munhong!: i am a christian
[02:36] joshualoveher: so rude..btr not emberass ur church
[02:36] munhong!: hahah
[02:36] munhong!: dont worry i wont
[02:36] munhong!: im just concern over u
[02:36] joshualoveher: wht church r u frm?
[02:36] munhong!: being lack of attention
[02:36] munhong!: doing things u shouldnt do
[02:37] munhong!: why asking so much ?
[02:37] joshualoveher: cant i?
[02:37] munhong!: dont u know that u shouldnt talk to strangers /
[02:37] joshualoveher: i noe u la
[02:37] joshualoveher: u r munhong
[02:37] munhong!: yeah
[02:37] munhong!: and i know u lah
[02:37] munhong!: your joshua
[02:37] joshualoveher: yay
[02:37] joshualoveher: strike1
[02:38] munhong!: hilarious!
[02:38] munhong!: eh joshua ,
[02:38] munhong!: i have to go
[02:38] joshualoveher: liar
[02:38] munhong!: hope u get things straight .
[02:38] munhong!: dont do things u shouldnt
[02:38] munhong!: and maybe read a book
[02:38] joshualoveher: im gay!
[02:38] munhong!: yeah sure
[02:38] munhong!: go happy
[02:38] joshualoveher: ok,i'lll admit it

hahahhahahahhah :D

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