Thursday 25 June 2009

nice shirt einstein :D

hey guys,
im back for another short update!

arghh, i've been busy for the past few days,
YE is filling up my time,
and so is NIE in school , thank God we're done with it today.
just the video left to be taken.
we're doing on obsessions teens face like , pornography ( its usually the only one i remember ) , internet , fame and stuff.
the mag looks seriously good! :D
i didnt expect it looking that good, considering our last minute work and all BUT we got it finished!

later, yohann and i will be taking the vid where tishal will be our porno addict . we will be giving him solutions to solve his obsessions and to lead him to a free-porno life. lol ! i'll definitely try to post the vid up somewhere for all to see , you'll just have to wait patiently. control your patience, please dont go killing people! :x

i screwed my mid terms,
failed add maths 39%
passed moral 40% :)
as for the rest, they're at average marks.
marks im happy about : mod maths/accounts 80+

back then in form2,
getting 80+ was considered depressing :(
getting 80+ now in form4,
wow! its enough to put a smile on your face for weeks i tell u! :)

ohh and does anyone here have influenza h1n1 ?
wonder if they'd spread through blogs 0.o?

(not feeling the usual blog mood
it MUST be cause of the absence of the wonderful, delicious, finger/toe licking HAPPY Meal)

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