Friday 26 June 2009

tachibals & boywithballs :)

we finally got the random video done!
tachibals and boywithballs are actually the characters in the vid.
now all there is left is the editing and it will be posted up soon,
real soon i hope.

after we got that vid done yesterday, yohann and i headed over to tishal's place aft dinner to get our 'obsession with porno' vid done.
it was for our NIE.
we were there at his house for the whole night 0.o!
took all the shots and did the editings there,
and it was GOOOD :D
we got everything finished at 12 ,
before it was 12, my mum was already scolding me on the phone 0.o!

'why taking SOOOOO LONG ?'
'so what time are you coming back !?'
'why not you finish it tmr ?' - cause tmr's the deadline
'why do things SO LAST MINUTE ?'

its actually not last minute if she understood what we went through.
but ohwell , i know she's just being caring.

anw , apparently we were suppose to send a 3 min vid , but ours was more than that.
so we had to cut out some parts, gooood parts :(
but not to worry,!
yohann's gonna edit it and add the remaining scenes into to make it the 'original' one :D

soo you guys gotta wait for that as well.
hahaha .
sooo much waiting!
speaking of videos, i wonder what happened to the other hnl vid 0.o

besides all that,
im proud to say that im back to studying , LOL!
i haven't been really studying in school after the two weeks holidays until today's chemistry class! i learnt , erhmmm , something about valence electrons moving from one to another element. or something like that.
(what a nerd)

random picture :
mozart in action!
credits to gou for taking the pic
(nicely taken) :D


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