Monday 15 June 2009

Tagged by Yin Ting,
Pass this tag to 10 people !

1 Alyssa
2 AnJie
3 Nana
4 Ian
5 Faiqah
6 JoonKeit
7 Joshua Tham
8 Nadira
9 Phei Wen
10 Yohann

1. Would you date number 5 (Faiqah)?
- Nahhh, kawan :)

2. Number 2 (Anjie) just got in a car crash. How do you react?
- Somebody call 911 (song plays)

3. You see number 9 (phei wen) with your boy/girlfriend. What do you do?
- errrmmm, guess i'll ask hows her day or something ? hahah

4. You come home and your room has been ransacked by number 4 (Ian)
- WHAT THE HECK ? what did i do to you ? ahahhah :D

5. Number 1 (Alyssa) is acting weird.
- the usual :D

6. Numbers 3 (Nana) and 8 (Nadira) decide to give 10 (Yohann) a haircut.
- that would be interesting, dont forget to snip every strand off :D

7. Number 7 (Joshua Tham) just got tickets for him/her and you to go to a concert.
- "You did well son, now hand me those tickets!" hahah

8. Number 10 (Yohann) takes you to a bar.
- Good good , drinks on him. wait, by 'bar' you dont mean monkey bars right ?

9. Number 4 (Ian) has to move to the other side of the world.
- the world is soo much smaller with internet, no worries. ohwait, how many sides does the world have ?

10. You and number 8 (Nadira) are being chased by the cops for an unknown reason.
- this is stupid. but if it does happen, then most prob Nadira and i would chris brown those cops. lol :D

11. Number 7 (Joshua Tham) and you are sitting on the couch watching a movie when he wrap his arm around you.
- "dude, this is not a good time for a bear hug man".

12. Number 5 (Faiqah) asks you out to dinner.
- "okay. tunggu, i bayar ke u bayar ni ?" HAHAH!

13. Number 9 (Phei Wen) and you are sitting on a bus.
- turns to phei wen and laughs at her, "why are u sitting at the disabled seats ?!" ahha :D

MAN, this is getting real draggy!
Takes a break*


14. Number 6 (JoonKeit) calls you in the middle of the night because he can't sleep.
- "ermm, excuse me but i think you got the wrong number" hahah :P

15. You're walking with someone and number 6 (JoonKeit) runs up and tackles you to the ground from behind.
- "ok fine! it was my number u called last night , now get off" haha!

16. Number 1 (Alyssa) is crying one day and you ask him/her why and it seems their boy/girlfriend has dumped them.
- "i think u should try to get back together with him. so that u can dump him back, you know." LOL

17. Number 2 (Anjie) offers to bake you a meal. As you sit in the other room, the kitchen is suddenly aflame.
- somebody call 911 (music plays again)

18. Number 4 (Ian) comes to your door one day holding a koala.
- "its not my bday, but thanks :D"

19. Number 4 (Ian) just got you an X-Box.
- " maybe it is my bday afterall! "

20. Number 9 (Phei Wen) challenges you to a children's card game!
- woooo hoooo, fun :D

21. Number 1 (Alyssa) thinks he/she's overweight.
- *stares blank*

22. Number 7 (Joshua Tham) looks lonely!
- throws a soft toy at him, hahah :D

23. Number 2 (Anjie) asks you rudely to go leave them alone.
- ill say okay and then leaves them alone rudely. lol ?

24. Numbers 5 (Faiqah) and 3 (Nana) decide to throw a surprise party for you.
- oh cool! but how come no one told me about it ? ;D

25. Number 6 (JoonKeit) decide to dye their hair black. What do you say to that?
- yeah sure, black is the new pink anw.

26. Number 2 (Anjie) tells you he/she is going to go out for a while, and then later you hear about a shooting where 2 went.
- "are u playing with that BB gun again !?"

27. You catch number 9 (Phei Wen) by herself, crying.
- ermm ermmm, dont cry! haha

28. Numbers 1 (Alyssa), 3 (Nana), 5 (Faiqah), and 6 (JoonKeit) all tackle you at once!
- all i can do is sing, 'somebody call 911!'

ohyeahh, hi fisha! :D

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