Tuesday 30 June 2009

its out!

watch it , rate it , comment it ! :D


Monday 29 June 2009

strings :)

guess what?
i just changed my rusted/karat(ed) guitar strings!
it sounded really funny when it was rusty,
or was it the way i was playing it ? 0.-

anyway, check em out!

see how rusted the first 4 strings were! :D

tearing it out :D

giving the guitar a piece of my mind!

sis wanted to give some too.
mum looks on in horror (well not really)


anw, ill try to practice and learn more songs soon.
feel like such a noob in guitar!

ohh and, here is Athira Violet Turner playing 'You are Not Alone'

she's good right ? :)


Sunday 28 June 2009

micheal jackson.

i was in a convo with gou, nad and nicole arnd 12am+, i think. they were talking about micheal jackson and how he was an awesome singer/dancer when he was here. i didnt really talk much at the beginning cause i wasn't really a big fan of him, and i didn't really feel the depression that some went through after this death. so, there i was, in the convo, listening to what they had to say, and replying only at times i knew what to say. hahah

all three of em were actually watching this memorial thing that was on 8tv. so, mostly every part of the show were mentioned throughout the convo. i obviously felt blur, having my comp upstairs and my televy downstairs. we chated for an hour or close to two, and throughout the whole process of listening for me, i got to know micheal.j more?

i dont know how to put it in words, but at one point of the convo, i really felt sad that he was gone. all of a sudden! it was kinda an emotional convo, i think some teared. while they were talking about what was on the show, i was listening to mj's electrifying songs. i never knew there were sooo darn goood. although there were parts where he acted weirdly, but what the heck, he is like the damn king of pop man!

and many didnt know the real reason he went through plastic surgery and got his nose done. well, i know i didnt! i always thought that he was a weird dude, wanting attention. (no offence to mj fans) it was just recently that i found out why he went through the surgeries, he had some skin cancer if im not mistaken. and as for his nose, he had an embarassing childhood experience. so yeah, what wrong is there to get his nose done?

well, whatever you have left us here will forever be treasured, mj.


Friday 26 June 2009

tachibals & boywithballs :)

we finally got the random video done!
tachibals and boywithballs are actually the characters in the vid.
now all there is left is the editing and it will be posted up soon,
real soon i hope.

after we got that vid done yesterday, yohann and i headed over to tishal's place aft dinner to get our 'obsession with porno' vid done.
it was for our NIE.
we were there at his house for the whole night 0.o!
took all the shots and did the editings there,
and it was GOOOD :D
we got everything finished at 12 ,
before it was 12, my mum was already scolding me on the phone 0.o!

'why taking SOOOOO LONG ?'
'so what time are you coming back !?'
'why not you finish it tmr ?' - cause tmr's the deadline
'why do things SO LAST MINUTE ?'

its actually not last minute if she understood what we went through.
but ohwell , i know she's just being caring.

anw , apparently we were suppose to send a 3 min vid , but ours was more than that.
so we had to cut out some parts, gooood parts :(
but not to worry,!
yohann's gonna edit it and add the remaining scenes into to make it the 'original' one :D

soo you guys gotta wait for that as well.
hahaha .
sooo much waiting!
speaking of videos, i wonder what happened to the other hnl vid 0.o

besides all that,
im proud to say that im back to studying , LOL!
i haven't been really studying in school after the two weeks holidays until today's chemistry class! i learnt , erhmmm , something about valence electrons moving from one to another element. or something like that.
(what a nerd)

random picture :
mozart in action!
credits to gou for taking the pic
(nicely taken) :D


Thursday 25 June 2009

nice shirt einstein :D

hey guys,
im back for another short update!

arghh, i've been busy for the past few days,
YE is filling up my time,
and so is NIE in school , thank God we're done with it today.
just the video left to be taken.
we're doing on obsessions teens face like , pornography ( its usually the only one i remember ) , internet , fame and stuff.
the mag looks seriously good! :D
i didnt expect it looking that good, considering our last minute work and all BUT we got it finished!

later, yohann and i will be taking the vid where tishal will be our porno addict . we will be giving him solutions to solve his obsessions and to lead him to a free-porno life. lol ! i'll definitely try to post the vid up somewhere for all to see , you'll just have to wait patiently. control your patience, please dont go killing people! :x

i screwed my mid terms,
failed add maths 39%
passed moral 40% :)
as for the rest, they're at average marks.
marks im happy about : mod maths/accounts 80+

back then in form2,
getting 80+ was considered depressing :(
getting 80+ now in form4,
wow! its enough to put a smile on your face for weeks i tell u! :)

ohh and does anyone here have influenza h1n1 ?
wonder if they'd spread through blogs 0.o?

(not feeling the usual blog mood
it MUST be cause of the absence of the wonderful, delicious, finger/toe licking HAPPY Meal)

Thursday 18 June 2009

those random jumping-reaching-the-basketballrink-shots ,
i spoke of :

kids reaching for the sky!

Sara !

pictures taken after production that other day,
random wasn't it ?

(dead tired,
needs a happy meal)

Monday 15 June 2009

Tagged by Yin Ting,
Pass this tag to 10 people !

1 Alyssa
2 AnJie
3 Nana
4 Ian
5 Faiqah
6 JoonKeit
7 Joshua Tham
8 Nadira
9 Phei Wen
10 Yohann

1. Would you date number 5 (Faiqah)?
- Nahhh, kawan :)

2. Number 2 (Anjie) just got in a car crash. How do you react?
- Somebody call 911 (song plays)

3. You see number 9 (phei wen) with your boy/girlfriend. What do you do?
- errrmmm, guess i'll ask hows her day or something ? hahah

4. You come home and your room has been ransacked by number 4 (Ian)
- WHAT THE HECK ? what did i do to you ? ahahhah :D

5. Number 1 (Alyssa) is acting weird.
- the usual :D

6. Numbers 3 (Nana) and 8 (Nadira) decide to give 10 (Yohann) a haircut.
- that would be interesting, dont forget to snip every strand off :D

7. Number 7 (Joshua Tham) just got tickets for him/her and you to go to a concert.
- "You did well son, now hand me those tickets!" hahah

8. Number 10 (Yohann) takes you to a bar.
- Good good , drinks on him. wait, by 'bar' you dont mean monkey bars right ?

9. Number 4 (Ian) has to move to the other side of the world.
- the world is soo much smaller with internet, no worries. ohwait, how many sides does the world have ?

10. You and number 8 (Nadira) are being chased by the cops for an unknown reason.
- this is stupid. but if it does happen, then most prob Nadira and i would chris brown those cops. lol :D

11. Number 7 (Joshua Tham) and you are sitting on the couch watching a movie when he wrap his arm around you.
- "dude, this is not a good time for a bear hug man".

12. Number 5 (Faiqah) asks you out to dinner.
- "okay. tunggu, i bayar ke u bayar ni ?" HAHAH!

13. Number 9 (Phei Wen) and you are sitting on a bus.
- turns to phei wen and laughs at her, "why are u sitting at the disabled seats ?!" ahha :D

MAN, this is getting real draggy!
Takes a break*


14. Number 6 (JoonKeit) calls you in the middle of the night because he can't sleep.
- "ermm, excuse me but i think you got the wrong number" hahah :P

15. You're walking with someone and number 6 (JoonKeit) runs up and tackles you to the ground from behind.
- "ok fine! it was my number u called last night , now get off" haha!

16. Number 1 (Alyssa) is crying one day and you ask him/her why and it seems their boy/girlfriend has dumped them.
- "i think u should try to get back together with him. so that u can dump him back, you know." LOL

17. Number 2 (Anjie) offers to bake you a meal. As you sit in the other room, the kitchen is suddenly aflame.
- somebody call 911 (music plays again)

18. Number 4 (Ian) comes to your door one day holding a koala.
- "its not my bday, but thanks :D"

19. Number 4 (Ian) just got you an X-Box.
- " maybe it is my bday afterall! "

20. Number 9 (Phei Wen) challenges you to a children's card game!
- woooo hoooo, fun :D

21. Number 1 (Alyssa) thinks he/she's overweight.
- *stares blank*

22. Number 7 (Joshua Tham) looks lonely!
- throws a soft toy at him, hahah :D

23. Number 2 (Anjie) asks you rudely to go leave them alone.
- ill say okay and then leaves them alone rudely. lol ?

24. Numbers 5 (Faiqah) and 3 (Nana) decide to throw a surprise party for you.
- oh cool! but how come no one told me about it ? ;D

25. Number 6 (JoonKeit) decide to dye their hair black. What do you say to that?
- yeah sure, black is the new pink anw.

26. Number 2 (Anjie) tells you he/she is going to go out for a while, and then later you hear about a shooting where 2 went.
- "are u playing with that BB gun again !?"

27. You catch number 9 (Phei Wen) by herself, crying.
- ermm ermmm, dont cry! haha

28. Numbers 1 (Alyssa), 3 (Nana), 5 (Faiqah), and 6 (JoonKeit) all tackle you at once!
- all i can do is sing, 'somebody call 911!'

ohyeahh, hi fisha! :D

Wednesday 10 June 2009

a Quick random update!

just got back from a jog with bella, gou and dhepan. it was gooood :D
now i feel like jogging more! we did arnd 6 laps or more total up.
i shouldnt have eaten a packet of chicken rice before i jogged, -.-
thank God i didnt get appendix or something . hahhaha

before that, we actually had another Ye production session. we had to spend our time making our products at the usj13 community center place thingy. it wasnt that clean, we got make new bug friends, some insisted on biting, but what the heck , we were out of places to go.

and ohyeah! we also took some random jumping-trying-to-reach-thebasketballrink-shots. hahah! will definitely post that up after getting them from gou :D


Tuesday 9 June 2009


some stranger came online and started talking to me , as if he knows me.
so here is how it went , ( no offence dude , your just funny ) hahah .

[02:16] munhong!: yes ?>
[02:19] joshualoveher: sup?
[02:20] munhong!: siapa ni ?
[02:20] joshualoveher: joshua
[02:20] munhong!: yes joshua
[02:20] munhong!: which josh are u lah ?
[02:20] joshualoveher: joshua tan la
[02:20] munhong!: right
[02:20] munhong!: joshua tan from jambatan ?
[02:21] munhong!: i dont know u -.-
[02:21] joshualoveher: i noe u!
[02:21] munhong!: yeah u do
[02:21] joshualoveher:
[02:21] munhong!: who doesnt ?
[02:21] joshualoveher: lam
[02:21] joshualoveher: e
[02:21] munhong!: ;D
[02:21] munhong!: so how i know u again ?
[02:22] joshualoveher: i met u years ago
[02:22] munhong!: right
[02:22] munhong!: must be the wrong munhong
[02:22] munhong!: i dont know a josh tan,
[02:22] munhong!: years ago
[02:22] munhong!: or even know
[02:22] munhong!: *now
[02:22] joshualoveher: i only noe1munhong
[02:22] munhong!: whats my sir name again ?
[02:23] joshualoveher: er..
[02:23] joshualoveher: i 4got
[02:23] munhong!: GOOD
[02:23] munhong!: now ,
[02:23] munhong!: bye
[02:23] joshualoveher: chil man
[02:24] munhong!: chlli ?"
[02:24] munhong!: heck ,.
[02:24] munhong!: i dont know u man
[02:24] munhong!: dont pretend to know me
[02:24] joshualoveher: i noe yy
[02:24] joshualoveher: u
[02:24] joshualoveher: u r mun hong26
[02:25] munhong!: waaaa
[02:25] munhong!: who doesnt know ?
[02:25] munhong!: hahhaa
[02:25] joshualoveher: some pople?
[02:25] munhong!: eh blind ass
[02:25] munhong!: its written in my email add lah
[02:25] joshualoveher: ur mum never taught u manners?
[02:26] munhong!: your mum never teach u to not talk to strangers ?
[02:26] munhong!: small kid
[02:26] munhong!: bye
[02:26] joshualoveher: u r nt a stranger
[02:26] munhong!: hmmmm ,
[02:26] munhong!: what do u know about me ?
[02:26] munhong!: tell me .
[02:26] joshualoveher: u r a boy
[02:26] munhong!: WOW!
[02:27] munhong!: captain obvious!
[02:27] munhong!: you got one right@
[02:27] munhong!: go on
[02:27] joshualoveher: hm..
[02:27] munhong!: oh wait
[02:27] munhong!: let me help.
[02:27] munhong!: my name is munhong ?
[02:27] munhong!: WAAAA!
[02:27] joshualoveher: yea
[02:27] munhong!: double the clap!
[02:27] munhong!: awesome
[02:27] munhong!: YOU know me soooo well!
[02:28] munhong!: anymore ?
[02:28] joshualoveher: thz
[02:28] joshualoveher: hm..
[02:28] joshualoveher: u r 26 years old?
[02:28] munhong!: WOW!
[02:28] munhong!: that was unexpected
[02:28] munhong!: but goood :!
[02:28] munhong!: 3 facts right
[02:28] joshualoveher: i was right?

[02:28] munhong!: goood job buddy!
[02:28] munhong!: ermm
[02:28] munhong!: yeah
[02:28] joshualoveher: oh
[02:28] munhong!: 7 more facts about me ,
[02:28] joshualoveher: ok
[02:28] munhong!: u can be my best friend!
[02:28] joshualoveher: hm..
[02:28] munhong!:
[02:29] joshualoveher: you have a cock
[02:29] munhong!: that one not counted lah
[02:29] munhong!: which guy dont have
[02:29] munhong!: get reasonable.
[02:29] munhong!: or else , ill get lazy to talk.
[02:29] joshualoveher: maybe u chop it of?
[02:30] munhong!: lame ass
[02:30] joshualoveher: ok
[02:30] joshualoveher: let me tink
[02:30] munhong!: i dont do things u do dumbtard
[02:30] joshualoveher: u masturbate?
[02:31] munhong!: WOW!
[02:31] munhong!: thats 4 rights
[02:31] munhong!: go on
[02:31] munhong!: lame shit ,
[02:31] joshualoveher: yay
[02:31] joshualoveher: u blowjob?
[02:31] munhong!: u go on one more which is senseless,
[02:31] munhong!: u lose .
[02:31] munhong!: noobshit
[02:31] munhong!: who doesnt ?
[02:31] joshualoveher: wtf
[02:31] munhong!: DUMBTARD
[02:32] joshualoveher: jk
[02:32] munhong!: eh joker , you think your very funny >?
[02:32] joshualoveher: mayb
[02:33] munhong!: dont do all those things for attention ,
[02:33] munhong!: go read a book or something ,
[02:33] munhong!: u might be grateful to even understand the front cover tho
[02:33] joshualoveher: hey!
[02:33] munhong!: goodluck.
[02:33] joshualoveher: i m not dum
[02:33] joshualoveher: ok
[02:33] munhong!: ofcourse your not dumb
[02:34] joshualoveher: im jz a lil ndum
[02:34] munhong!: you just have a nut for a brain
[02:34] munhong!: i dont blame
[02:34] munhong!: i really dont!
[02:34] joshualoveher: r u a christian?
[02:34] munhong!: how does that concern u ?
[02:35] joshualoveher: jz answer big ass
[02:35] munhong!: sorry u dont have an ass.
[02:35] munhong!: i am a christian
[02:36] joshualoveher: so rude..btr not emberass ur church
[02:36] munhong!: hahah
[02:36] munhong!: dont worry i wont
[02:36] munhong!: im just concern over u
[02:36] joshualoveher: wht church r u frm?
[02:36] munhong!: being lack of attention
[02:36] munhong!: doing things u shouldnt do
[02:37] munhong!: why asking so much ?
[02:37] joshualoveher: cant i?
[02:37] munhong!: dont u know that u shouldnt talk to strangers /
[02:37] joshualoveher: i noe u la
[02:37] joshualoveher: u r munhong
[02:37] munhong!: yeah
[02:37] munhong!: and i know u lah
[02:37] munhong!: your joshua
[02:37] joshualoveher: yay
[02:37] joshualoveher: strike1
[02:38] munhong!: hilarious!
[02:38] munhong!: eh joshua ,
[02:38] munhong!: i have to go
[02:38] joshualoveher: liar
[02:38] munhong!: hope u get things straight .
[02:38] munhong!: dont do things u shouldnt
[02:38] munhong!: and maybe read a book
[02:38] joshualoveher: im gay!
[02:38] munhong!: yeah sure
[02:38] munhong!: go happy
[02:38] joshualoveher: ok,i'lll admit it

hahahhahahahhah :D

Thursday 4 June 2009

REUNION! (usj4)
9th , tues , 8am!
usj4 park!
bring any sports equipment with u,
and tell everyone u know about it !

yeahhh , copy and paste it on , ermmm , EVERYWHERE :D
