Wednesday 30 April 2008

there's sumting growing on my face that's bugging me .. oh wait , its called PIMPLES !

elow ppl .

long since i've bloged eh ? anyway , i was really busy for the past few days . busy with bball , busy with studies , busy with folios n hws , busy with ... hmmm , wat else .. ? after writing it down , it kinda makes me feel like i wasnt actualy busy for the past few days . BUT i was ! haha , man i feel so lame right now ..

anyway , ive been attending more bball trainings under lim choong . learned alot recently from his trainings . i even got to learn to use words like , ' ball' , 'shot' , and even ' help' . everytime someone forgets to say those few words when it is needed , the whole team has to run around the field saying either ' ball' , 'shot' or even ' help' . and thats tiring ! seriously .

besides bball , im also trying to catch up with my studies . im seriously blur these days whenever my history teacher , or even when my science teacher speaks . the worst thing is , history classes are so sleep-threathening . another word for it ... BOLING . crap , boling ? i meant , BORING !

how lame can i get ? hahahahaha ..

as for my folio's , im almost done with kh , need to pass it up tmr . then , after im done with my kh , ill start my geo one . dateline for that is on monday , which leaves me , 4 days . and to top it all off , i have a history folio to be done after exams . yay ! isnt that just exciting ? =.='!

ohyea , i havent been playing dota for a while now ! that proves how busy i am ! haha . LAME sense in tingling again .

neway , random pic :] [ i like this part the most in my posts , maybe coz its just so random . hahah !! ]

random pic during wedding .


Thursday 17 April 2008

elow there !


guess what ? im actually researching about drugs right now . nope , im not going to take drugs , if thats what u are thinking D: im actually doing this for my english oral tomorrow , its about ' drug abuse ' . for now , im reading about nicotine , ecstasy , inhalants , marijuana and others . to think of it now , i dun even noe why adrian n i picked the topic , ' drug abuse '. it may seem so darn interesting , but doing research on it , and trying to compile all the notes into a 5 minute presentation is not as easy as it sounds . crap ! and all my work are gonna be last minute .. havent even memorised it yet =.='

nooooo ! the stress . .

anyway ,

went for bball training on friday afternoon at smk usj 12 . training was darn tiring for our legs , haha . there's still more n more trainings ahead , must be well prepared :]


as for my saturday , i went for bball in the morn .. got to play matches , then train our and1 team . ohh , and1 is coming real soon ! on the 27th i think . just one more week away . damn , hopefully we get to win something back this time we join and1 . haha !!

neway , after bball , went to sunway to celebrate ken wee's bday . watched THE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM . i was actually expecting a fighting movie all the way , since there's jet li and jacky chan . but , the movie was more than i expected . there were some real funny and totally unexpected scenes . like the part where ......

[ the next sentence im about to write might spoil the movie for some of u guys , so for those who don't want their movie spoiled , hahah !! ]

where jacky chan , n the rest were getting to this mountain , called the 5 *sumting* mountain , through a dessert . they were all thristy , so jacky chan did sum
moves to summon the rain . then , water began to drop . his face was darn grateful , until he noticed that it was actually jet li who was peeing on him ! LOL


after the movie , ate at kfc . then went for a dota game at a cc near sunway . sadly , we have to rmk 3 times coz the comps there werent so gd . at the end , we just left . didnt even finished one game . haiiiihhhh .. ooh , pics will be uploaded when ever i get them .

random pic time :] hahaha .

i was jealous of his bag of sweets . hahahah . [ my lil cousin , mun jan ]

creme-brulee , hated the cheese part . [ taken on the same day ]

Saturday 12 April 2008

shade-owww .

as i walked home just as midnight strikes , i saw every step taken , being followed by someone . i managed to catch a glance at it , it was my shadow . a slightly darker version of me that is . i gave a sight of relief . but as i was looking at it , it suddenly faded away . i was like ' wth !'

after thinking about it for quite some time , i finally reached home .the shadow incident kinda told me something .

sometimes in life , u might have everything u want or maybe everything u need . the shadow represents all that . during those days when u have them , u won't really notice or even care about it as u see it so common . like for example , don't tell me u will get all excited n hyped whenever u see ure own shadow . u won't rite ? haha .

then the shadow suddenly disappears . thats the time where all that u have suddenly went missing . you will/might start to think of its absence , and maybe u might start to miss it . but im not trying to say that i missed my shadow during that time lah ! it just kept me wondering , like ,

' how the hell it went missing all of a sudden ? most probably it was because of some lightings or that place was slightly brighter on one side ? , but it was totally at night and i don't rmb any lights around the road i was walking on '

so , what im trying to say is that . sometime's u won't know what u've got till its gone [ i got that from a song ] haha . but basicaly , thats what i meant :]

[ a great song ]

ohyea , random pic .

my num during hari sukan ,2008 . the worst hari sukan , i only got one medal out of 4 events =.='!


Thursday 10 April 2008

10 april 08

elooow people . i've been going for the petaling perdana bball training selection lately , wed and thurs . im in the selected 18 and i will still be going for more trainings soon . ill have to work alot harder to make it for the team . i know that right now , im among the lousiest in the top 18 . i have a feeling i am . but what the heck , there's always time for improvement right ? *trying to motivate self . LOL

anyway ,

i havent been going to skool for the past two days since i went for the trainings . which means , more worked has piled up ! i heard i have to do my lisan next week , solo , all alone speaking in front of the class in BM =.='! and then i got another oral for english pulak . WTH ! all my work are pilling up , forming a tower in no time .. haiihhzz .

Besides that ,

i think im doing well without playing dota lately . [ related to my previous post , if u havent read it yet , then go go , its just beneath this one .. i'll wait for u while u read that one .. ]




done ?

* continues *

as i was saying , im doing great without playing dota . LOL . soo far , i said ' NO ' to 3 people who asked me to play dota . isn't that good news ? haha . im kinda proud of myself actually , don't mind :P hahaha . i don't know how long i will say 'NO' to dota , but all i know is , its gonnna be a long time till i play it la .

ohyea ,

i was tagged by syaza . here goes ,

The rules:-
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
OK? All set?

Heeerrreee wweee gooo!

-Fact Number 1!

i hate powder kind of milk and butter ! seriously . i feel disgusted when i smell butter , it just smells bad for me =.=' as for milk powder , it just tastes bad . don't u guys think so ? its like ... , imagine drinking milk which are just out of a cow . ew , im gonna puke man .

-Fact Number 2!

i never liked seeing hair [those which are no longer on ure head] , lying around the floor/table/ or anywhere . it just disgusts me . espeacially during makan time , it ruins my appetite man ! =.='

-Fact Number 3!

i have a guitar . but i suck playing it . i actually went for classes , but i had to stop coz i was getting busy with more n more stuff that time . so , i had to let that class go . now , im trying to learn through the net but the chords i searched for , are all so hard for me to understand :( dang . LOL

-Fact Number 4!

sometimes i can't make my own decisions . some of u might already now that .

-Fact Number 5!

erm , i ate a fried spider before ? haha . it tasted good :]

- a sad Fact Number 6!

imma a banana . now , isnt that just obvious ?

-Fact Number 7!

im fifteen this year . most of the people who didn't know my age at first thought i was 18 - 20 years old . wow !

-Fact Number 8!

i really want to drive !

who i'm gonna tag ?

1 .charlotte
2. kanch

3. manda
4. hmm , who else ? anyone else . u can do it if ure bored =.='!

okay . thats all for now . and as for today's random picture ,

speak no evil , hear no evil , and see no evil - lah ! [ taken in ipoh ,2007. ]


Tuesday 8 April 2008

' I feel so lazzzzyy '

yes , im feeling so lazy these days . espeacially after basketball mssd . why ?

1 . maybe because i can't catch up with my studies after just missing a few days of skool . i mean , the teachers are all teaching so quickly like they're all extra paid if they get to finish more n more chapters asap . $$_$$ wth ?! for example : history and maths , the teachers are ahead of me by one chapter . CRAP !

2 . maybe there's just alot of work to do . folio's are beginning to pile up and then there's kerja kayu .

3. [maybe this is just the best reason why im getting lazier these days] history classes make me sleep! for my timetable , history classes are always by the end of skool , usually last or second last subject of the day . soo , by the time its history lesson , i will USUALLY be dozing off in class already . its not like i want to sleep in class , but like cannot tahan =.='!

if only they hav a couch like that in skool .. zzz

sooo , from now on , or maybe not now . errrm , maybe after msss selection training and all that , i will start to buckle up . im SERIOUSLY speaking ere . no joke . i'm so damn serious about this , i'll even say no to ..... .. .. .. [ drum roll ] .. ... . . dota !

haha , not to say that im addicted to the game [ IM NOT ! ] , but dota is almost all that some my classmates talk about in class . soo , im gonna say NO . thats how seriously serious i am .. hahah .

random pic's of the day ,

SMK USJ 13 , under 18 in yellow , under 15 in white , during mssd 08 .


Friday 4 April 2008


smk13 un-15 boys lost to smk12 in the semifinals . but for the third and fourth placing , smk13 beat batu 8 .. so , we got third place ppl ! hahaha . our bronze medals are still with the teachers tho . sadly , they didn't give it to us during the latest assembly =.='! till ere .


Tuesday 1 April 2008


smk usj13 un-15 boys are in the semi's ! we played against bandar puchong jaya today . won them by 9 points , 30 - 21 . was a good game , they have a really good center and a sharp shooter . but we got our way out of it , and got the win :] tommorow's game will be against smk usj12 , semi's ! quite excited , haha .. missed skool for like how many days d . mum bugging me about my studies =.='!

i guess thats all for this post ..
