Sunday 30 December 2007

elowz ppl ,

year 2007 is just about to be over . jz a few more hours away . all lift up ure hands , arms , elbows and wave goodbye . haha .

neway , happy new year guys !

may the year 2008 bring happiness , success and [everything else u can think of ] ! :]


Tuesday 25 December 2007

i got tagged by nana andrea . [ i was actually jz looking around at blogs , n saw hers . so , continued reading till i saw that i got tagged for it . so , im about to start ]

List out the top 5 presents you wish for:
1. the new sony e hp . [ the shaking one is cun ]
2. a laptop .
3. a personal camera .
4. get my mp4 fixed .
5. anything i can think of the next time la . haha

The person who tagged you is:
nana banana .

Your 5 impressions of him/her:
1. pretty [ as a fren la ]
2. ada peminat .
3. agak frenly .
4. helps alot . [ depends on her mood ]
5. thoughtful person .

Most memorable things he/she has give/done to you:
ermmm , i cant really rmb ler . ahha ! oh yea , she , faiqah n hajar helped out in the futsal tour' . thx alot ;]

If he/she becomes my lover, you will:
i guess not . frens jer .

If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
haha , we might quarrel over small things la , jz for fun =.='

Pass the quiz to people that you wish to know how they feel about you:

hmm , if ure free , then go ahead n do it la .


Monday 24 December 2007

wow !

its actually 6.30 right now and im not asleep yet . im actually at sanesh's place right now and everyone is sleeping right now . everyone includes , afiq , brandon , sanesh , pang , ryan , joon keit, me , n keshan . its actually quite weird n scary blogging at this time n having dim lights around , and u being the only one awake while the rest all are sleeping . well , except for joon keit n brandon . haha !

we were playing chaw dai di earlier . pang dominated one round .. he got really lucky ! damn .

so , i guess im gonna try n take a nap now , mayb for about 2-3 hours before waking up at 9 .

off to sleep then ZZzzz .

merry christmas everyone !!

santa actually exsists if ure a goodie this year ! haha , jz hadta say that . k , hav fun n enjoy ;]


Wednesday 19 December 2007

Singapore Trip . [ 12/12 - 15/12 '07 ]

first day : woke up real early , left the house and started journey to sg . slept in the car , well who wont when u wake up as early as 6 ++ . had breakfast at a r&r , no idea where i was . after breakfast with the rest of the family , continued the journey . passing the ' sempadan ' to sg took a really long time . check passport , look at the faces , and all the other stuff la . finally reached sg ! at 2 ++ , checked into The Cape Inn in Tiong Bahru . unpacked all the heavy luggages , in a messy way . then , we walked to my dad's auntie's hse . we , cousins call her yee poh .[ in a chinese ascent ] . haha , not really in a chinese ascent , kiding. after that , went to orchard road . i think , i cant practically rmb everything . guess we went on that night , saw lots of decorations . sg semangat christmas man !

se-cond day :
wedding dinner at marina mandarin . that hotel was amazing ! among the leading hotels , i heard , v.fancy . snapped pics and enjoyed the food .

thurd day :
went to vivo city and some other mall . LOL there's this public pool on the rooftop of vivo , cool ! the stuff in sg was stil expensive even after discount , i rather but from msia =.='

fort day : packed early . keft sg . was a longer journey bac , no idea y . reached home around 10 + at night , and had dominoe's for late dinner . bac at home felt so relaxed after being away since i went camp n sg .


Monday 17 December 2007

Get Real Camp . [ 7/12 - 11/12 '07 ]

awesome camp! the best way to describe it :]

on the first day , started the long journey there . 4 hours long bus ride ! imagine that , siting on the same seat for 4 complete hours man . ohwell , at least there was rattatoie and night at the museum to watch on the bus . But the speaker wasnt loud enough . =.=! later during the noon , reached the e.c.a church [ Emmanuel Christian assembly ] , thats where were gonna stay for the next 4 days . after that , separated rooms . there were only four rooms , and a big not-so-good smelling toilet for all the guys to share . the air-con in my room was working really well , phew ! the beds were noisy , coz the mattress were covered with a plastic layer . so , everytime u move while ure sleeping in the night , even the slightest move , it would make an irritating plastic sound . LOL .

room3 ppl : caleb , me , nick khoo , dexter , v sheng , wei meng , jason kon , charles , samuel , james , and the other 3 more guys which i forgot their names . sorry ! . then worship and session at night .

jason lee
jason kon
mun hong
chee peng
nick khoo

Group2 rocks .
num 2 all the way ! :]

day2 , it was get real day . everyone was wondering what we were gonna do until the time actually came . it was the time where all the campers share among their church groups. after that , lunch and then games outside on the field . games were throwing bball , f.bal , squash bal , frisbee and ping pong . depending which ball u get la . after that the paper cups game and lastly , the football game . group2 got num1 for f.ball ! ;] later , went out around the town to give out fliers for the rally. tommy , charles , marcus , me , chee peng and nickkhoo . Later , enjoyed the rally . watched some INTERESTING games . haha !

daytree , visited FGA church . the whole building costs 3 million , said the pastor there . it was considered cheap for a really big place like that . then got bac to practice for talent time . every groups' sketch were hillarious . group2's sketch was great ! haha . we got second . the best part was when charles was spanking jason's ass . smack that ! LOL. tai cho la !

day for , community project . group2 went to orphanage ! 'Jesus care's center' . there were many small kids there , altho i expected more elder ones . we started off with ice breaking , then some off us were divided to do some house chores . cutting banana leaves , wipe windows , rake leaves etc etc. after that , played lots of games with them , gave out all the presents n we also got to talk to them .we even had a question n answer time , the best question was , how old is tommy ? haha . not many got the answer right coz tommy looks younger than his age . ohyea , they made cards . some were christmas cards , tq cards n even cards with their fav cartoon character on it like the man of steel , superman . tommy got a tq card or a christmas card , im not so sure . so lucky :] got bac for photo session . later at night , i guess everyone was touched during worship . most of them cried . it truly was an unexpectingly wonderful night .

last day , packed up everything n cleaned up the rooms . started to miss the happenings from camp =.= . left e.c.a and headed home . almost every1 was sleeping in the bus . wrote a testimonial in the bus !. first time coz usually i cant write or read in a moving vehicle . haha .thanks God for everything amazing that happened in camp :]


Tuesday 4 December 2007


was waken up by my alarm on 7.15 . got myself milo + oats n bread before heading to 13 court . was walking so slow , a lady behind me gave me a stare . creepy fella =.=

reached there n saw qistina , alyssa , umi and nad waiting , awal betul . since there was quite alot of ppl there , we walked all the way to 16 . agak jauh but it was worth it coz there wasnt any1 on that court .

training began , had dribbling , underbasket , shooting a lil n then lay-up . they were learning fast ;] after that , went to stadium at 16 . i didnt noe that it was actually a mamak stall til a few days ago . after that went to aina's place to chill for a while before we start to walk bac .

reached home , bathed . got porridge for lunch today , was ok la . then i went to sleep til 5 plus . then woke up and went online a lil before charlotte called . after that , went out to 18 to play bball . surprisingly damn many ppl went . played a game or two .

went home , dinner . n thats about it .

i updated ! ;]


Thursday 15 November 2007

freak show 15/11/07 ;]

muidz tumpang-ed me at 11 plus . we were the first to get to sunway , the rest were late . we went to dunkin donuts to get sumting to chew on . ate like 2 each then full d . kept two more for the rest coming later which was then eaten by marcus n brand. later met up with the rest . those who went were , muidz , kj , marcus , brand , pang , me and sanesh .

went to buy tickets for ' balls of furry ' . then , went to the arcade . main daytona there damn funny . i won the first round , second got third ;] walked all the way to bowling alley after that . me , kj and marcus beat sanesh , muidz and brandon . there was suppose to be a bet where we can tell them to do anyting since we've won , but it sumhow got canceled =.=!

then , went for the movie . hilarious ping pong movie . ' its better to die as a tiger than live as a pussy ' LOL

after that , went bowling again . i sucked in the two games we played . both got last .

names on the bowling board :

freakshow [ mh]
nerd [ muidz ]
babi [ brand ]
bitch [ marcus ]

later when bac to arcade to play some shooting games before leaving sunway . over all , the outing was fun but it could hav gotten better if the girls went [ i guess ! haha ] .


Wednesday 7 November 2007


i finally got my stitch from my head off . well , i didnt really get it off , the doctor did . :]


4/11/07 - raya :]

went to hajar's place around 12 sumting . was suppose to be there at 11 but terlambat . haha :] i tumpang-ed faiqah's transport with na . i was damn blur when we got there [ as usual ] . started eating , the curry for the nasi lemak was good :] then harris came . he brought the xtra baju melayu . i thought he will bring the whole set or sout he bawmething , bak only the top . so , i hadta wear the baju melayu with my blue shorts . i looked OKAY in it . fine , i looked real funny. like some clown walking around celebrating raya .

we started walking to other hse's at around 3 something . damn fucking hot outside , bad weather to play bball !. sweating like crap before reaching the houses . first we [ faiqah , na, ja , lat and me ] went to adriana's place . her house was cunted :] she and her frens cooked spagetthi . was nice but cold , boleh jual la . there was this chocolate cookie which tasted great . lat , faiqah and i kinda finishes it . haha ! malu la . ohyea , dpt duit raya ere .

the next hse was , ermmm . damn , i forgot the girl's name ! =.=' all i can rmb is that she has a bass in her hse . haha . nothing much happened ere . dpt duit raya ere too .

the last hse was putri's place . her pond for her koi fishes was cunted . had laksa with curry noodles ere . dpt duit raya ere too :]

after all the hse's , we went to the park . there was no bball court there , instead there was four or more goal posts , and two bola jaring punya rims . all i can say was , the place was damn peaceful . played football with harris there , then after that join the rest for abc n cendol . the abc was nice but just too much kacang , jelly n some other stuf which makes it not so cun . haha
akhirnya , balik . faiqah's mum tumpang again . thx ! once reached home , waited for my family to get ready to keluar makan . ate at kfc n then headed to nilai to drop my sis at her college . guess thats all that happened on this tiring sunday


Wednesday 22 August 2007

UpdaTe ! =)

wow , this is the first time i actually have the 'semangat' to update my blog . * feeling kinda proud of myself* haha . =)

im now enjoying a week of holiday from skool . what i have been doin during the hols :

*play basketball . [ofcoz la ]
*played in the pba tournament '07 [during weekends and also on a monday ]

first game - smk usj13 vs batu 8
we made a few mistakes during the first quarter, which cost us five points to nothing . [opponent ] 5 vs 0 [us]
our team got to chase back by a few points by the second quarter .
the 3rd n 4th quarter were the best part of the game . usj13 were chasing back the points . fouls were called and supporters were cheering . the atmosphere at that moment really got my legs n hands shaking with nervousness . =.=' . There were chances for usj13 to take the le
ad but mistakes were made at the same time . at the ending few seconds , batu 8 got the 1 point lead and it was just a split second before the game ended . Of course we were all frustrated and dissapointed with the score . but it was just a game and there were few more games ahead , so all the feelings for that game were left aside . =.='
score : __ vs __ [ i forgot the score but we lost by one point . ]

second game : smkusj13 vs bukit kemuning
this game was tough as well . we made mistakes in the first quarter again . this time we were down by 9-0 . second quarter was 15-3 . we did most of the chasing during the 3rd and 4th quarter . in the end , we won by 1 lucky point.
score : _vs_ [ forgot score again but won by one point ]

third game : smkusj13 vs smkusj12
ok , this game was the most pleasing one . glad we didnt do any mistakes during the 1st quarter . the score during the 1st n 2nd quarter were close to one another . by the third quarter , usk13 got the lead till the end of the game .
score:_vs_[damn ! i forgot all the score . but this one we won . ]

*tried doing sejarah folio [ just a little ]
*tried to do kh folio [ couldnt understand , so i gave up ]
*studied a little to prepare for exams .
*eat , eat , eat
*[last but not least ] breathe . ( breathe in , breath out )

that was almost all i did during the hols . guess thats all for this post . * feeling kinda proud i actually updated my blog .* haha . ss


Thursday 31 May 2007

KwN training course .. [ 2:44 am , 27 may , o7 ]

kwn stands for kid witness news . its a global known competition where participants have to make a short 5 min video about any three topics which are arts , sports n environment .

first day [ 23may o7 ]

walked to skool early with all my heavy bagpack on my back . my bagpack consists of clothes and FOOD .. reached in skool by 1o mins n saw c.muuriza carrying bags into her car boot . after filling up the car boot with all the bags , the journey to sepang began . the car ride was like any ordinary 1 hour journey .. c.muriza drove , cik / pn aida [ im n0t really sure whether i spelled her name right ornot . ] sitting on the front seat next to c.muriza n lastly , hajar , prash , ian n i were sitting on the back seat of the proton wira vehicle . it was kinda squeezy . =.='

then , got there [ concorde inn , sepang ] n unpacked . there was a short brief at 4 ++ where they introduced the people who will join us for the next two days and also the equipment we will havta use during the filming . later , had dinner . it was buffet . makan makan makan + minum .

lepas itu , went back to rooms . got to know two new people , joanne n daniel aka danny .. both were from seafield . what we did :

1. prank call other rooms . about 80-90% of our calls didnt work out the way we wanted it to go . =.='
2. eat eat eat + drink
3. called friends [ not prank calls . ]
4. watched tv .. american idol was on that night . replay *
5. n jz joked around la .

oh yea , we did our geo n science 1 on wed afternoon . [ geo was tough , couldnt concentrate coz i was doing it on a small table where they put the small light lamps n on a bed ] science was ok la .

day number too [ 2 ] ..

woke up . had buffet breakfast . then , went for the training .. during the training , everyone there were divided into 20 groups . i was in group 14 . =.=' .. these are the people in group 14 .

1. nahvin , 11 old .
2. barth , 11 years old
3. wafi , 14 years old
4. dalila , 14 years old

group name : for-teen .

then , we were given assignments which was to make a short video with ure new group but must in the compounds of concorde inn . we were
lucky enough to get news . so , we did the environment in concorde inn in news version . we had alot of problems !. it was hard to co-operate with them at first , but after 1 hour plus , we finally got to start shooting . then , everything after that went okay until our cam corder sudd went out of battery ! . great , just great ! . nahvin quickly looked for a battery charger to borrow . i n barth acted as responsible cleaners in the video coz we couldnt find any free- from - work cleaners that timer . =.= . it was just in time to finish up the video but it was really done yet coz there was a lot of cut scenes . lol . but since we were done with it , happy la .

then , on thurs night after dinner , we did editing for our video . nahvin's teacher was kind enough to help us with most of the editing . thx dude . so , overall .. the video was ok . alot of mistakes that made it look not so news type . all the edits were until 11++ at night .

third n last day . =.=

all the video's were shown . noticed that alot of groups had prob with their cam corder's battery as well . haha . . oh well , at least our group werent the only ones with that prob . LOL . after watching videos , went bac to pack . visited the gym . n when we wanted to go bac to smk usj 13 , the tayar in c.muriza's car got PANCIT . sad case . at the end , reached bac at skool at around 4 ++ . hanged around in skool n then only i went bac .

conclusion : learned alot from the training course . how to film using a camera properly etc etc . got to noe new ppl . n lastly the FUN !


Saturday 26 May 2007

update . [ 2:15 , 27may , o7 ]

im finally updating my blog .! amazing thing to do right ? haha ..
so , where should i start .? oh yea , i got a puppy from my dad's friend . well , its not fully mine coz its our family dog . but still considered mine la coz im part of my family .. get wat im trying to say right ? . =.=' bout the puppy :

name : casey aka kc
sex : bitch
age : so far .. 2 months old
colour : brown + black
breed : alastian dalmatian + rocveiler . [ no idea how to spell those names ]
hobby : biting anything in sight . * careful *
cage address : located on the right corner of my hse . can b easily spotted .
contact num : doesnt hav a legal dog num yet . =.='

so , that was all the info i can think of for now . =)

casey .

i guess this post will just end ere .. and to all the ppl who said i was lazy to update my blog , i just updated my blog. =)


Thursday 3 May 2007


hey people ,

anyone ere interested in joining a
futsal tournament ??. information about it :

~ 28th may 07

~ only for un-13 boys

~ teams must consist of 5-7 players .

~ fees : rm 70 [ a team ]

~ starts around 11 in the morning .

~ prizes are only for top three teams

~ prize :
first place : rm 250
second place : 150
third place : rm 100

~ it will b at u-one .

= for any further information , please
ask me asap .


Sunday 28 January 2007

- 2007 -

ellowz people ! .. this is my FIRST post for year 2007 . haha . i know what your thinking , ' this mun hong so lazy ! ' but i have good explanations why i didnt update this blog for so long ..

so , explanation number 1 : because its the start of school ma . got so much homework .. then got tution homework pulak . . i budak baik mer . swt . haha .

explanation number 2 : got bball trainings ! .. hehe .. mssd was on january this year .. so , kinda busy with basketball .. aikz , why must our skool's un-15 boys play against bu3 in the group stages ! .. malang giler .. haih .

explanation number 3 : . [ oh crap , im running out of excuses .. =.= ] .. erm , lastly .. connection problem [ almost forgot about it . hehe ] . n also no extra time .. unlike the guy in the astro max advertisement who always said ' i got time , i got time ' .. im not like him with all that time he has . . coz i dont have astro max . haha .. so , there it is .. all the three crappy explanations .. =)

okok , seriously gonna blog now .. wat happened lately ? .

27 january [ saturday ] .

i went to school ! .. itz a replacement day for chinese new year .. [ i didnt know there's gonna be a week long of chinese new year . which means more time to collect ang pau's ! hehe . $$_$$ ]

anyway , went to school at the usual time .. around 12.50 . . saw justin n neeraj .. n then faiqah found me n told me that she n umi has extra mcd food .. so , i helped myself with the drink n a little fries .. afterthat , balik ke class n found out that only half the class came on that day .. faiqah n i helped harris with his rumah hijau name list .. berjalan jalan .. bla bla bla ..

after recess pulak , went to bilik kemahiran hidup to help baiki kerusi ... i repaired only one .. got bored of it .. balik ke class .. during maths time , went out with harris n faiqah .. then came back jz at the correct time .. [ maths time finished ] .. lol . then , talked about ghost stories .. yohann , neeraj , me , faiqah , harris n adrian were there .. i got tired and almost fell asleep .. lol . then after all of that , the skool bell rang .. balik rumah ! . lol . . so that was pretty much everything that happened in skool on that day .

note to self : dont go to skool on replacement days . . =.=

~mUn HoNg~