Wednesday 19 December 2007

Singapore Trip . [ 12/12 - 15/12 '07 ]

first day : woke up real early , left the house and started journey to sg . slept in the car , well who wont when u wake up as early as 6 ++ . had breakfast at a r&r , no idea where i was . after breakfast with the rest of the family , continued the journey . passing the ' sempadan ' to sg took a really long time . check passport , look at the faces , and all the other stuff la . finally reached sg ! at 2 ++ , checked into The Cape Inn in Tiong Bahru . unpacked all the heavy luggages , in a messy way . then , we walked to my dad's auntie's hse . we , cousins call her yee poh .[ in a chinese ascent ] . haha , not really in a chinese ascent , kiding. after that , went to orchard road . i think , i cant practically rmb everything . guess we went on that night , saw lots of decorations . sg semangat christmas man !

se-cond day :
wedding dinner at marina mandarin . that hotel was amazing ! among the leading hotels , i heard , v.fancy . snapped pics and enjoyed the food .

thurd day :
went to vivo city and some other mall . LOL there's this public pool on the rooftop of vivo , cool ! the stuff in sg was stil expensive even after discount , i rather but from msia =.='

fort day : packed early . keft sg . was a longer journey bac , no idea y . reached home around 10 + at night , and had dominoe's for late dinner . bac at home felt so relaxed after being away since i went camp n sg .


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