Monday 17 December 2007

Get Real Camp . [ 7/12 - 11/12 '07 ]

awesome camp! the best way to describe it :]

on the first day , started the long journey there . 4 hours long bus ride ! imagine that , siting on the same seat for 4 complete hours man . ohwell , at least there was rattatoie and night at the museum to watch on the bus . But the speaker wasnt loud enough . =.=! later during the noon , reached the e.c.a church [ Emmanuel Christian assembly ] , thats where were gonna stay for the next 4 days . after that , separated rooms . there were only four rooms , and a big not-so-good smelling toilet for all the guys to share . the air-con in my room was working really well , phew ! the beds were noisy , coz the mattress were covered with a plastic layer . so , everytime u move while ure sleeping in the night , even the slightest move , it would make an irritating plastic sound . LOL .

room3 ppl : caleb , me , nick khoo , dexter , v sheng , wei meng , jason kon , charles , samuel , james , and the other 3 more guys which i forgot their names . sorry ! . then worship and session at night .

jason lee
jason kon
mun hong
chee peng
nick khoo

Group2 rocks .
num 2 all the way ! :]

day2 , it was get real day . everyone was wondering what we were gonna do until the time actually came . it was the time where all the campers share among their church groups. after that , lunch and then games outside on the field . games were throwing bball , f.bal , squash bal , frisbee and ping pong . depending which ball u get la . after that the paper cups game and lastly , the football game . group2 got num1 for f.ball ! ;] later , went out around the town to give out fliers for the rally. tommy , charles , marcus , me , chee peng and nickkhoo . Later , enjoyed the rally . watched some INTERESTING games . haha !

daytree , visited FGA church . the whole building costs 3 million , said the pastor there . it was considered cheap for a really big place like that . then got bac to practice for talent time . every groups' sketch were hillarious . group2's sketch was great ! haha . we got second . the best part was when charles was spanking jason's ass . smack that ! LOL. tai cho la !

day for , community project . group2 went to orphanage ! 'Jesus care's center' . there were many small kids there , altho i expected more elder ones . we started off with ice breaking , then some off us were divided to do some house chores . cutting banana leaves , wipe windows , rake leaves etc etc. after that , played lots of games with them , gave out all the presents n we also got to talk to them .we even had a question n answer time , the best question was , how old is tommy ? haha . not many got the answer right coz tommy looks younger than his age . ohyea , they made cards . some were christmas cards , tq cards n even cards with their fav cartoon character on it like the man of steel , superman . tommy got a tq card or a christmas card , im not so sure . so lucky :] got bac for photo session . later at night , i guess everyone was touched during worship . most of them cried . it truly was an unexpectingly wonderful night .

last day , packed up everything n cleaned up the rooms . started to miss the happenings from camp =.= . left e.c.a and headed home . almost every1 was sleeping in the bus . wrote a testimonial in the bus !. first time coz usually i cant write or read in a moving vehicle . haha .thanks God for everything amazing that happened in camp :]


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