Tuesday 25 December 2007

i got tagged by nana andrea . [ i was actually jz looking around at blogs , n saw hers . so , continued reading till i saw that i got tagged for it . so , im about to start ]

List out the top 5 presents you wish for:
1. the new sony e hp . [ the shaking one is cun ]
2. a laptop .
3. a personal camera .
4. get my mp4 fixed .
5. anything i can think of the next time la . haha

The person who tagged you is:
nana banana .

Your 5 impressions of him/her:
1. pretty [ as a fren la ]
2. ada peminat .
3. agak frenly .
4. helps alot . [ depends on her mood ]
5. thoughtful person .

Most memorable things he/she has give/done to you:
ermmm , i cant really rmb ler . ahha ! oh yea , she , faiqah n hajar helped out in the futsal tour' . thx alot ;]

If he/she becomes my lover, you will:
i guess not . frens jer .

If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
haha , we might quarrel over small things la , jz for fun =.='

Pass the quiz to people that you wish to know how they feel about you:

hmm , if ure free , then go ahead n do it la .


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