Thursday 30 July 2009


Pictures from game against Jalan3,
last saturday.

getting ready,
shi hao doing some warm up move.

during game

warm down,
after all the sweaty efforts


not so formal ?

num 7 :)

and now, for some really random shots i took,
*eh, i was BORED*

something smkusj13 received from smkusj4 from their IU day,
mum thought it was a YE product , LOL ?

the 'transformers' rubiks cube my sis lent,
called it the 'transformers' cube cause it kinda turns nasty after you mess it up.
(scroll down quick)

ohh, it looks like a good rubiks holder dont you think?

YEAHH, nasty .

first impressions from friends when they see it,
Cho: it looks damn demonic =.=!
Nicole: so impossible ( i think she said it)
and some others which just 'WOW-ed' :0

and now, Pictures taken from production (tuesday),
cut school for production,
bapak semangat! :D

those who came early and didnt follow the m'sian timing :D
(including me lahh)

Jasmine fixing the 'transformer' cube

and during production,
pheiwen (or) gou made a cross using the rubiks snake,
me being amazed, snapped alot on it,
here :

went travelling,
first stop, nicole's head! :D

2# to the ice cream container thing!

3# meet up with oreo and cream-o !

4# time for some FUN!

5# wrapped up at some wire,
which was kinda cool :)

and don't you just like pictures taken with the sun arnd ?

like this one :D

and this one :D


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