Thursday 16 July 2009

have u seen a 12 feet alien with 5 heads in subang?

so after school today,
i went over to bella's house to borrow some dvds :)
she has like, TONS and TONS of em man!
i think im gonna call her my dvd supply friend! :D
kidding bella! (if your reading this)
and thanks for borrowing. HAHHA

while i was waiting outside the hse,
umi and vishnu came walking heading towards the gate.
me using my ninja skills, hid behind this pillar repeating,
'youcantseeme youcantseeme youcantseeme youcantseeme'
but somehow they kinda spotted me there,

then umi was asking what i was doing there, while handing me some mamee.
i answered, i was there to get some of her mamee :)
then vishnu asked, who's hse is this anw ?
i was like, WHAT ? slumber jer u walk in, then now u ask who's hse it is ?

then they got the newspapers they needed for their library competiton,
and off we headed back to school.
(Note to self: Bring newspapers for them tmr)

then, i went for my YE meeting,
the usual i guess, but mdm yap didnt come.
aft the meeting, we took a few group pictures,
hoping to get them soon from syaza!

ohyeah, i just signed up for twitter!
well, gou actually helped me to do it cause my comp was kinda retarded.

getting use to tweeting,
i think twitter is like all stalkers' homepage website :D
anw, add me up, cause i know u want to.


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