Thursday 9 October 2008

Get your pencils and pens ready kids , its about time !

its just three more days of studying before pmr !

three more !
isn't everyone just excited and all hyped up or what ?
can't wait till its all over .
all the studies can be put aside,
and then there will be more time to do those stuff i didnt get to do ,
like :

1) staring at my sister's hamsters ( didnt have time to do it due to PMR)
2) sleeeeepp ( uncountable sleepless nights due to PMR )
3) eat ( gotten skinnier due to PMR )

and lastly ,

4) to day dream ( once again, due to PMR )

hahahahhahahahh !
who am i kidding ?
im not gonna do those stuff ,
ill be too excited for any of those.
(or maybe not)

alright, gotta go now. study study study. im suppose to be out in about 5 minutes . Sh*T !
im becoming really punctual these days.

anw, good luck to all pmr students !
have fun :D

being ambushed in the toilet is never nice.

mh.coec :D

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