Saturday 18 October 2008

no more PMR fever !

hey guys , Pmr is over! man, that one week of hardcore exams passed by so quickly. its like i took my last paper just yesterday. ooh wait, its saturday today , IT WAS JUST YESTERDAY. man, time passes by so quikly out of the window. i just need to catch hold of it. its already the 10th month of the year. by the time u go to your kitchen and get a glass of water , it will already be new year. get what i mean ?

u know , sitting for pmr is actually quite fun. the part where we take our exams in the hall part. funny stuff can happen during/before/after the exams. stuff that some certain people do and then thought that no one will be able to notice, but the truth is, there are people looking arnd. HAHA . ohyeah, teachers must actually follow if ur heading to the toilet. thats quite sad isnt it? lucky they will just wait outside. PHEW

i visited this website just now. its a website i visited really often before i took my BM exam. thx to syaza for telling me of it. so, i just visited it just now. expecting the blogger person to put out contoh jawapan for pmr questions. well, he didnt. or maybe he did , i dont know coz something caught my eyes before i continue to scroll down. its about some pmr students in melaka being 'kuarantined' coz the bilik kebal that keeps the exam papers couldnt be opened. the key to it broke or something. they even got firemens to open up the bilik kebal ! wooaahhh. its making those exam papers sound so IMPORTANT , as if jessica alba was trapped in there. HAHAH

ahhh , some of the papers were tough doh. like science , history , geo. and most of the chinese students said that the chinese paper was ' a killer ' . lucky , i dont take chinese ! phew. ohyeah, not much shouted or screamed their lungs out aft the geo paper. hahah. teachers were trying to prevent 'misbehaviour' , forcing the students to leave to school straight away after the last paper was done. ' why are u kicking us out ? isn't school our second home !?' hahahh .

thats all for now.

our last day of theme's in tuition :D

a really old song. but its stil darn nice. ahah

mh.coec :D

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