Wednesday 9 July 2008

zero eight , zero seven , two thousand and eight. [ o8.o7.2008 ]

as usual , i woke up at freaking SIX in the morn for school. i felt exceptionally tired that morning but after looking at the mirror ; my eyes widdened till they couldnt get any bigger . 'woah, the number of pimples on my face just increased. AGAIN ! =.='

WHY ? why ? why ? why ? (voice echoe's away)

im praying that oxy will actually help.
been using it for a crapping long time already.
it might not have helped in the past ; but hey , u gotta wait for the resuts right ?
even if it takes a long , long long , long long long time .
(u can understand how frustrating it is by counting the number of 'long'[s] used )

anyway, school was normal that day. had 3 periods of kh since it was a tues . studied, talked, joked around , insulted one another like we always do in class , and all the other crappy stuff we do in school. bla bla bla :P after school, there was cf meeting with pn rachel , in the library.

lepas tu, followed kenny , sarah and anjie to melur for a while. i just got a drink there. then, kenny and i walked sarah, anjie to the usj16 gate across the road where they insist to walk by themselves back to their hse. walked back to school to see whether anyone was still there , and found harris with mity. jalan balik ke rumah , then changed , bathed and went straight out to adrian's place to do a seni project. reached the house . adrian, shu , yohann, devien and hanafi gave me the stare that clearly said , ' your one hour late !' =.='

started doing the project. never have i felt so semangat to do anything that has to do with SENI before. we were planning to make a plane . not odinary paper planes but a plane made of bottles of gassy drinks . newspapers will be covered over the bottles , then wings will be attached and it will all be layered and strenghten with paper mache' . cool eh ? hopefully it will look good lah .

after that, went back home. changed to my bball gear and headed for basketball at usj18. nothing much happened ; until when there was one time i got the bball and i pumped in to make an underbasket shot. on the way up, my friend jason accidentally elbow-ed my eye. ouch that hurts. but was okay after a few minutes lah. well , it was accidental so i dont blame him. now, i got a slight blue black under my right (or is it my left) eye. sometimes, it appears green . sweats !

then , headed for tution at night. the gang wore green shirt and blue pants but didnt get to snap a pic this time. thats all for now.

all wearing black on last last week .


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