Friday 25 July 2008

the Toilet Bowls and the Deer Head-Shaped Stryofoam !

wait, is there any difference between stryofoam and polystyrene ?

so it was weeks ago when me , yohann , harris and mithun were walking back from school. usually we will spot/see/find weird things on the way back. there was this one time we saw a pair of cats doing *their thing* on the road , then there was another time harris found one buck on the floor. we wanted to tear it into four parts , to share . LOL

so then there was this another time when we were taking our usual route back . everything was normal . that was until .. . ... [drumrolls]

we found a big trash container in front of these two houses. those were no odinary houses , one of them belonged to bing xi or as he likes to call himself ' the BX'. -.-! well , it wasnt his actual house , it was his previous house. and the sad thing was , his house was being cleared in the inside as his old neighbour bought over his house. so, both houses are most likely to join after all the construction work. anw, we saw two toilet bowls in the trash container.

i forgot who , but one of us said, ' isn't that bingxi's toilet ?!'.

burst out laughing ; hahahahhahah !

here's a picture of it taken by yohann :

and then as we walked further down the stretch of houses , we saw polystrene outside a house. there were blocks of polystrene and a speacial shaped deer-head made of polystrene. trust me , it was seriously nice! so nice that even harris wanted to bring it back to his home. btw, we were sure that it was not wanted by the owner coz we saw it outside the house for more than two days already.

harris wants to take it back to his home. while carrying it back, i kinda tore off one of the four horns on the deer. i didnt know why i did it , but it felt good tearing it off. LOL obviously harris wasnt that happy coz it didnt look good no more. decided not to bring it back home. then we started kicking it around. i pity that deer head -.-! and just when we were thinking where to leave it ; we saw iron gates with sharp pointy ends. *eureka!*

[not really zoomed in]

so we poked the deer head into one of the iron pointy thing. and surprisingly, its still there at usj13 till today. you guys should go and check it out! LOL

as for the toilet bowls, we're not really sure whether its bing xi's or not. we were just kidding :P
no offence dude.

mh_coec :)

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