Thursday 17 July 2008

he dribbles the ball . cuts all the defenders but the last one. what will he do ? puts a cheeky smile as he takes his favourite jump shot . the ball sank into the basket ! proudly , he turns to face the crowd . unexpectedly , the crowd went , ' DUDE , YOU SHOT INTO THE WRONG BASKET lah'. (typical manglish)

woah , i think thats my longest post title ! wait, let'me count . ( 10 + 10 + 10 + 24 ) x 0 + 54 = 54 words ! that sure is alot of words for a title . im impressed with myself :) i should do this more often.

ooh, i havent watch hancock yet. i dont think i will be able to watch it since trials and all are coming. study study study . im outdated with movies man. i havent even watch panda yet. CRAP ! the kung fu song for that movie is so happy n jolly. LOL

ho-ho-ho-ho .. ho-ho-ho-ho.. everybody wants kunfu fighting ( making up the lyrics )

ohyeah, bm sucks . my new bm teacher , pn shammeeellla ( sumting like that ) doesnt stop talking. its like she's paid for every word she says in class. WTH . if she is paid for every word , millionaire she is .

not to forget , on tuesday night , tution , we wore blue . and we didnt look like lost waves from the sea at all ! ( crap, that was lame )

blue's clue ? does mrs lim's son , ho wen , watches that ?

mh_coec :)

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