Friday 25 July 2008

the Toilet Bowls and the Deer Head-Shaped Stryofoam !

wait, is there any difference between stryofoam and polystyrene ?

so it was weeks ago when me , yohann , harris and mithun were walking back from school. usually we will spot/see/find weird things on the way back. there was this one time we saw a pair of cats doing *their thing* on the road , then there was another time harris found one buck on the floor. we wanted to tear it into four parts , to share . LOL

so then there was this another time when we were taking our usual route back . everything was normal . that was until .. . ... [drumrolls]

we found a big trash container in front of these two houses. those were no odinary houses , one of them belonged to bing xi or as he likes to call himself ' the BX'. -.-! well , it wasnt his actual house , it was his previous house. and the sad thing was , his house was being cleared in the inside as his old neighbour bought over his house. so, both houses are most likely to join after all the construction work. anw, we saw two toilet bowls in the trash container.

i forgot who , but one of us said, ' isn't that bingxi's toilet ?!'.

burst out laughing ; hahahahhahah !

here's a picture of it taken by yohann :

and then as we walked further down the stretch of houses , we saw polystrene outside a house. there were blocks of polystrene and a speacial shaped deer-head made of polystrene. trust me , it was seriously nice! so nice that even harris wanted to bring it back to his home. btw, we were sure that it was not wanted by the owner coz we saw it outside the house for more than two days already.

harris wants to take it back to his home. while carrying it back, i kinda tore off one of the four horns on the deer. i didnt know why i did it , but it felt good tearing it off. LOL obviously harris wasnt that happy coz it didnt look good no more. decided not to bring it back home. then we started kicking it around. i pity that deer head -.-! and just when we were thinking where to leave it ; we saw iron gates with sharp pointy ends. *eureka!*

[not really zoomed in]

so we poked the deer head into one of the iron pointy thing. and surprisingly, its still there at usj13 till today. you guys should go and check it out! LOL

as for the toilet bowls, we're not really sure whether its bing xi's or not. we were just kidding :P
no offence dude.

mh_coec :)

Saturday 19 July 2008

being lame is always cool :D

[18.07.08 , Fly-day]

i went to school on friday carrying 'giant' plastic bags. why ?

1. no, its not because i adore giant's plastic bags.
2. no, it was not recycling plastic day. wait, we don't recycle plastic !
3. and definetely no , i didn't bring plastic bags to suffocate the teachers in my school. (although it does sound like a good idea) :P

i brought the plastic bags to carry the ingredients needed for a cooking competition on that day. there were chicken , fruits , ice-cream :) , and a can of lychee + pineaple and some other smaller items i think. right now, you might be thinking , mun hong cooks ? well , fyi , i do cook. i can cook eggs ( scrambled, fried, half boiled ? u name it ) , sausages , noodles and even fried rice ! hah , shocked aren't u ? anw, i was in a group with chris and neeraj for the cooking. we planned to cook garlic chicken breast, prepare salad and banana split , mushrooms and some chapatti thing (neeraj's recipe).

so, i met up with neeraj in school. i brought my stuff , he brought his stuff. we looked around for chris and it was only later that we found out that he came to school late. so he kena'ed denda to do some karangan with 300 plus words. by then, the competition already began and things started to go wrong. we couldn't bake the chicken cause the oven we had wasn't working ! and neeraj forgot to bring some ingredients for his chapatti so he went and called his driver to get those stuff which took a long time =.='

we decided to fry the pieces of chicken. so things didn't really turned out as we expected. at the end, we prepared fried chicken, neeraj's chapatti, an apple blended + lychee and pineapple drink. i gotta admit , other competitiors prepared theirs in a very decorative way =.=' ohwell, at least we had fun. LOL ooh, and thx to dhepan, divo and eleena group for borrowing us cooking stuffs. and just before school was about to end, we got to taste others' food. dhepan's fried prawns were yum yum ! i was hogging it :) ooh, our chicken tasted good , just so you know. hahah . im sure some of them loved our chicken :P

after school ended, i headed to CF . we will be having cf in bilik bahasa from that week onwards! isnt that just great ? we usually had our cf in a class but now we have cooling/chilling air-conds ! thank you Lord :) and michelle shared on cf that day. was interesting and funny :)

and now its time for a random picture !

why won't the ball go in !?
mh_coec :)

Thursday 17 July 2008

he dribbles the ball . cuts all the defenders but the last one. what will he do ? puts a cheeky smile as he takes his favourite jump shot . the ball sank into the basket ! proudly , he turns to face the crowd . unexpectedly , the crowd went , ' DUDE , YOU SHOT INTO THE WRONG BASKET lah'. (typical manglish)

woah , i think thats my longest post title ! wait, let'me count . ( 10 + 10 + 10 + 24 ) x 0 + 54 = 54 words ! that sure is alot of words for a title . im impressed with myself :) i should do this more often.

ooh, i havent watch hancock yet. i dont think i will be able to watch it since trials and all are coming. study study study . im outdated with movies man. i havent even watch panda yet. CRAP ! the kung fu song for that movie is so happy n jolly. LOL

ho-ho-ho-ho .. ho-ho-ho-ho.. everybody wants kunfu fighting ( making up the lyrics )

ohyeah, bm sucks . my new bm teacher , pn shammeeellla ( sumting like that ) doesnt stop talking. its like she's paid for every word she says in class. WTH . if she is paid for every word , millionaire she is .

not to forget , on tuesday night , tution , we wore blue . and we didnt look like lost waves from the sea at all ! ( crap, that was lame )

blue's clue ? does mrs lim's son , ho wen , watches that ?

mh_coec :)

Wednesday 9 July 2008

zero eight , zero seven , two thousand and eight. [ o8.o7.2008 ]

as usual , i woke up at freaking SIX in the morn for school. i felt exceptionally tired that morning but after looking at the mirror ; my eyes widdened till they couldnt get any bigger . 'woah, the number of pimples on my face just increased. AGAIN ! =.='

WHY ? why ? why ? why ? (voice echoe's away)

im praying that oxy will actually help.
been using it for a crapping long time already.
it might not have helped in the past ; but hey , u gotta wait for the resuts right ?
even if it takes a long , long long , long long long time .
(u can understand how frustrating it is by counting the number of 'long'[s] used )

anyway, school was normal that day. had 3 periods of kh since it was a tues . studied, talked, joked around , insulted one another like we always do in class , and all the other crappy stuff we do in school. bla bla bla :P after school, there was cf meeting with pn rachel , in the library.

lepas tu, followed kenny , sarah and anjie to melur for a while. i just got a drink there. then, kenny and i walked sarah, anjie to the usj16 gate across the road where they insist to walk by themselves back to their hse. walked back to school to see whether anyone was still there , and found harris with mity. jalan balik ke rumah , then changed , bathed and went straight out to adrian's place to do a seni project. reached the house . adrian, shu , yohann, devien and hanafi gave me the stare that clearly said , ' your one hour late !' =.='

started doing the project. never have i felt so semangat to do anything that has to do with SENI before. we were planning to make a plane . not odinary paper planes but a plane made of bottles of gassy drinks . newspapers will be covered over the bottles , then wings will be attached and it will all be layered and strenghten with paper mache' . cool eh ? hopefully it will look good lah .

after that, went back home. changed to my bball gear and headed for basketball at usj18. nothing much happened ; until when there was one time i got the bball and i pumped in to make an underbasket shot. on the way up, my friend jason accidentally elbow-ed my eye. ouch that hurts. but was okay after a few minutes lah. well , it was accidental so i dont blame him. now, i got a slight blue black under my right (or is it my left) eye. sometimes, it appears green . sweats !

then , headed for tution at night. the gang wore green shirt and blue pants but didnt get to snap a pic this time. thats all for now.

all wearing black on last last week .
