Tuesday 27 May 2008

a visit to Rumah Shalom on 27 may :]

Pic-churs !

charlotte, cool and ____ [sorry i forgot ure name dude =.= ]

sm and manda in the bus. sm shy-ing arnd. haha !

the guys there .

uuhhhh ..

singing happily :]

lilian posed out of no where. haha

smile :]

cool and retarded me =.='

daniel is his name right ?

where we visited , Rumah Shalom.

senyum la . aha

interact club organised an orphanage trip to Rumah Shalom on the 27th may. and i went ! haha . at first i didnt really know about the trip, until some friends told me bout it. i asked kenny to put my name in, and i was actually hoping for an empty place because i heard it was full weeks ago. at the end , i got to go and some of my friends couldnt. sweat !

soo, the bus took off from skool at 7 plus. were suppose to reach there by 8 i guess , but the bus driver didnt know the way there =.=! once we reached there, greeted them and all. first thing we all noticed when we got into the hse was, there were so many tophies ! i heard all of them were runners, loved running and would compete among one another. wow ! i needed tips on how to run from them but i forgot to ask! haha. i was talking to this guy there, forgot his name [ oooh man, my memory sucks ! ] , and he told bout how much those kids there loved running. and then i ran out of questions. ----- a moment of silence ----- man , i suck at socialising ! help, anyone ? or ill just call 999 for help again. useless number wouldnt give me the help i need. =.=

then , the interact bod planned some games. most of us had fun, espeacially the lil kids there. some were amazed by camera's and some overjoyed and couldnt stay still. feeling high kids ? haha. after the games and all , went into the hse and interacted with them. [ i still need socialising help ! ] then , sang some songs and took pictures with them before leaving. soo , that was about it for the Rumah Shalom trip that day. eventhough it was just two hours with them, it was fun for me and i really hoped they enjoyed our presence too :]

mh_coec :]

Friday 23 May 2008

' a ton of feathers is lighter than a ton of bricks ? ' XP

todays topic : friends :]

the topic reminded me of cf in skool last week. everyone has to take a piece of paper , and give a testimony about whats written in their paper. there were lotsa random topics , from 'teachers' , 'school' to 'clothes' and there was even 'rain'. ooh , its not the actor/singer Rain but the water from the sky kinda rain. [ sorry to dissapoint Rain's fans =.= ] ooh , and i got ' FRIENDS'. haha . my testimony was short n .. sweet ?

anyway, reagarding about friends, it also reminded me of the 'Friends' series that used to be on tv long time ago. they don't have that series on tv now , do they ? 'Friends' is so darn ticklish to my humour bone. it only stops tickling when i watch a specific series for more than 2 times. hahaha .
back to the topic ,
friends , friends , friends . can anyone live without having friends ? i bet on my smelly sock , the one i just wore to futsal yesterday, that no one can live without them ! tell me if u wana take the bet. haha :] they're just so important in our lives. and i know i will live a sad and dull life without my kawans. THX.


a mural drawn on the floor during primary school . may seem messy , but thats alot of memories there . LOL

thats all for now ,

mh_coec :]

Wednesday 21 May 2008

woohooo , mid term exams finally waved goodbye !

see , we really studied n crammed ! [stress giler XP ]

mid terms are finally over. no more last minute revision cramming ! wheeee . ohyea , more good news , man united won the champions league !

i was so semangat , i woke up at 3 plus and catched the first half. my first impression when i set my eyes on the tv was, *why on earth is the game fast forwarding when its a live game ?! * then only i noticed that there was nothing wrong with the game. the players were just running like crazy. its like all of them catching fire on the field man XD * wow ! champions league final punya game quality ! LOL * i was actually kinda blur that time coz i just got out of my bed , what do u expect ? anyway , i only got to watch the first half of the game. i went back to bed after that =.='! Then arnd 6, i woke up again for skool. got the news that man united won ! glory glory man united , glory glory man united [ and the song continues ] hahah .

went to skool after that, and sat my siviks and kh paper. sivik was enjoyable , haha . slept 30 mins during that test. during kh, i only slept 15 minutes =.=' it was tough , i shud have did more revision. ooohhh mann , im regreting now :( wth .

after skool , slacked at home. wanted to use the com, but dad said ' NO, go do your own thing.' wth , what own thing ? my exams are just over, y cant i just use the com ?. then he gave a loooong moment of silence , not answering me. =.='!

swt !
went into my room , and noticed my guitar collecting dust at the corner of my room. haha , so i took it out and started playing it. i still suck badly , ooowwhh maan . having big problems when it comes to switching chords. i need help ! anyone ?! i called 999 for help and they said they will call up my parents if i call them again -.-?

mh_coec :]

Saturday 17 May 2008

anything different ?

yes, im finally done constructing my blog's new layout. how does it look ? plain , ugly ? ohh man, i spent almost two hours managing my blog. its almost 3am right now and i have to wake up early for church tomorrow morn. ill head to bed for now. ooohhhh yeeaaa , im forgetting something .

random pictures! haha , for today , im gonna promote .....

mecca cola!
bet u havent heard of it , i havent either but now u do :] first, i thought it was an odinary coke when i got it from my cousin phebe. then i saw the name , ' mecca ?' scratched my head a lil . but it tasted like coke. guess its made in msia, who knows ?


choc wafer!

i thought these were like from the brand who came up with oreo when i bought it at kuala selangor during msss bball. when i got back at the apartment, kinda found out its a different brand. but it tasted good ! haha. better than oreo!

guess thats for now.

p.s. im not paid to do the mecca cola and choc wafer add :( HAHA

mh_coec :]

Friday 9 May 2008

Pictures ! :]

smkusj13 ballers .

petaling perdana .1

with some of the petaling utama's.

petaling perdana with guru bimbingan ! LOL.

pp , FIGHT !

3rd place :]

petaling perdana .2

petaling perdana .3

the b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l view .

swimming pool :]

before game :]

nice pose teachers :]


a fun war :]
( 6/05/08 - 9/05/08 )

man , i got so much to talk about. msss bball for 4 days was just awesome :] ill just start with a simple ...

once upon a story , there lived a small and ugly toad . oh wait, why am i telling the story of the ugly toad *get a grip of ureself mh* =.='! but i do pity the toad lah , being called ugly . i mean , it doesnt look that diff compared to a frog right ? if a toad is ugly , then a frog is ugly too lah . HAHA ! must create an aware-ness club for this or else toads will be easily bullied man . LOL !

frog [ above ] and a toad [ below ] - don't they just look alike ?

anyway ,
I just got back from kuala selangor at around 7 pm plus today. msss bball was held there, and i got to play for PETALING PERDANA :] wheeee . im so lucky to get selected into the team. as they say , 'Good things come with a high price' << [ oh wait , is it right ? ] we had to go for the selection trainings which lasted for around 2-3 weeks i think. and trust me , its really tiring. try running just one round around smkusj12's field calling for 'help' while u jog . tired yet ? and thats only one round , more mistakes more rounds. NOT to forget suicides and sprints =.=' thats for the trainings. as tough as it sounds , it was all worth it , to get into the team :]

at kuala selangor on the first day [ tuesday] , we checked into the apartments , unpacked and then slacked around :] we didnt have a game that day , so it was kinda relaxing. ohyea , the view from the apartment balcony was darn nice. [view from the balcony] -a swimming pool 9 floors down , the sea , lots of sand at the edge of the sea ( its not a beach , im not stupid. hahahah , the sand looked dirty and i heard sumone said that , that place was for some perlombongan , or some other activities lah . i dunnoe wat it was for, but it looked good ! ) , there was also a paya air masin there . wat do u call a paya in english again ? errrrrrrrrrmmmmm..... forget about that . on the first night , i slept on the hall floor , with lots of others . uncomfortable man . didnt sleep well at all . back pain sikit =.='

on the second day , we played against petaling utama. we won that game by 3 points :] i don't rmb what we did after that for the whole day tho. haha .. then on the third day , played against hulu langat , hulu selangor and klang . all 3 games in one day ! was darn tiring but fun :] results from those 3 games :

against hulu langat - we lost .
against hulu selangor - won :]
against klang - lost =.='!

soo , over all , we got third in the whole msss . go PETALING PERDANA ! :]

i guess thats all for my msss . eventhough it was just for four days , alot has happened in that short period of time. i got to meet new people , learned more about bball , learned to appreciate my mum washing all my dirty jerseys =.=' and i even got to add new words into my chinese vocab ! [ its not small anymore , im a riped banana now ! hahahahhah ]

before i end my post , i would like to thank ... [ ahhh , like winning the grammys :) ]

thanks coach lim chong for all his coachings . i seriously learned alot of new things after going for his trainings. thx to the guru bimbingan for being there for our team . N terima kasih to all my team mates for everything. was definitely fun to be apart of the PETALING PERDANA team :]

thx !

mh_coec :]