Thursday 18 December 2008

dO iT camp!
on the 11th - 14th dec 08'
@ Dusun Eco Resort.


man, there's so much to write about camp. ill just briefly go through the four days there ; ( if you really want to know more about camp , you should go to some other blog. this is not the blog your looking for ) HAHA :D but , seriously.

first day ;
all the campers were suppose to gather at PJnewlife church. i was there real early. and obviously i felt blur at first and all . why must i be so punctual on that day! HAHAH. then, more and more came. the bus ride there was alright ; watched russell peters with nick.j in the bus. was feeling awfully tired tho.

(fast forwards)

brought our bags into respective rooms. the room i was in was kinda underground and next to the toilet. it was obviously convenient to visit the toilet at night, HAHA. but the sad thing was, there wasn't any reception for maxis users in the room. soo , everytime i need to text someone or just talk, ill have to go out. BUT it was fun doing so for that four days , HAHA.

ohyeahh, after unpacking and lunch; most of the campers went for flying fox. we walked up and along the hanging bridge for more than 15-20 minutes to get to the flying fox station. and the flying fox was just like 10 seconds to fly down . LOL! but heck it was fun lahh .

day two ;
everyone woke up real early for devotion. then , our session with Eric Tan began. it was all about , the Old Testament. i gotta admit, the 77 moves we had to do kinda helped me to remember some parts of the old testament. then , more games in the afternoon like the lipstick jungle and the broken telephone. i was kinda among the helpers for the games so i wasn't able to play in any of them. ohwell , it was fun when we got to punish them with lipstick in lipstick jungle :D

( fast forwards )

ohyeahh, there were many bugs and insects during camp. even the ants look huge. like as if they went through a 'be an ant spartan' test or something. some were obviously distracting during sessions , girls screaming and all. hahah .

day three ;
devotion in the morn was about being focused and working as a team. then session again ; more moves learnt and completing the 77 moves from the old testament :D

after lunch, the messy games began! the first one
wasn't messy tho, teams were suppose to search for chubbykins ( joshua's cuddly toy) through a series of clues given by the *angels*. joshua acted all dramatic in the hall claiming that his chubbykins was missing and all while the helpers pretended to act all blur. it was a funny scene!

ohyeahh, the night before this , helpers were all discussing on how to manage the chubbykins game and the other games. before discussing, i was immitating on how joshua will sound when he loses his chubbykins. tracy and josh
ua said i sounded really dramatic and was suitable for the part . SWEAT! haha :D

(back to the third day)

later, the helpers were all preparing for the messy games while the campers all continued to search for chubbykins. messy games began! flour with eggs and mixed with water all over the place! too many to describe :) HAHA

last day ;
ps hock preached for the sunday session. was feeling all tired and sleepy. im guessing most of them were feeling the same :P then , we had our last lunch there before heading back.

alright, im done :D

btw, this is just a brief throughout camp.
there was soo much that happened in camp that if i wrote all of them here ;
ill take weeks to post this up.
ohyeahh, pictures are all in facebook.


Wednesday 10 December 2008

im feeling annoyed.

why am i feeling annoyed ?
well , just go to ;
and find out.

nahhh , i was just trying to get u guys to watch the vid.
its another hotandlow production,
so go watch it nw!

anw, we sorta had a reunion/together gather today at usj4. not many people turned up. thats quite sad , but ohwell , we did our usual thing. basketball ! only some of us played, while the rest did their own thing. badminton/cycling/chit chat and stuff. after tiring ourselves with two games of basketball, the guys went over to the mamak stall to grab a drink before rushing over to the cybercafe in usj4, while the girls went over to syaza's place.

after 2 hours of hardcore dota and cs , we got ourselves lunch before going our separate ways. everyone went home except for kok jian and I. muidz's driver sent us over to syaza's hse. in her place, we met up with aqilah,aifa and joonkeit / made a video/ and played pingpong like mad. was playing with syaza's bro , afiq , until we were actually tired, arnd 5 games or so . LOL!

guess thats all about wht happened today ( in a summarised way)

as for tmr, ill be going to a youth camp. im darn excited for it as last year's camp was all awesome. LOL! hmmmm , am i missing out on anything to bring ? *double checking all the stuff in the bag*

some darn random pic.
that cup was filled with raw egg+ribena+cold water
yum yum :D
mh.coec :)

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Reunion/Together gather !
(not a really big one)

date/time : 10 dec 08' , 7.30am (we're all early risers right ? :)
venue : at usj4 park , the one near the mosque and sri comel ( our usual place )

we will most probably do our usual thing there , which is BASKETBALL :D
and if ur not the bball type ,
u can always come to mingle arnd with old buddies,
or just bring other sports equipments ,
football , badminton rackets , frisbeee etc etc.

so, whoever who's from sks or from any other schools but related to skss (ahha!) ,
do come and join us!
and dont forget to bring along ur friends ,
the more the merrier :D

mh.coec :)

Monday 8 December 2008

The duty-free island. (1-3 dec 08' )

im back into the blogging world!
finally after weeks of laziness ; i decided to update my blog .
dont i deserve a round of applause ? haha, okay, enough with the ss-ness.

anw , my family and i went to p.langkawi last week. right now, i dont really know what to write about our trip there ; maybe because its already 2.20am and im feeling darn hungry!

i dont know why but , i always get hungry after 12 in the morn. maybe because its already a new day ? and what i usually 'cook' to fill myself up are ; sausages , noodles (mee maggi :D ) and anything else simple i cn find in the fridge. the next time when i get my license , ahhhhh , melurrr here i come! haha

so ill just brief through on what we did there ;

we flew there with airasia. ( motto : nw everyone cn fly . haha ) reached there and got our rented car , which was a wira. ohwell , at least it was clean. i took a picture of the car number just incase if we forgot which car it was , haha!

the first place we visited was the 'Underwater World'. i gotta say, i was quite amazed. many unique animals I saw. to make it short , i saw blah , blah and blah. anw, it was written the largest aquaria in msia , and by the end of the whole thing , i was like , ' What! thats all ?'. i was half satisfied and half feeling , ' man, what a waste of money'. hahah.

later, we checked in Langkasuka Resort. Hows the place there ? not really pleasing to be honest. the rooms were ok , clean and everything , but there just weren't much entertainment there. and its rated 4 stars! -.-! i suppose its 4 out of 10 stars.

ahhhh , i feel so lazy to write nw. ill let the pics to the talking :
arriving at langkawi.

Pics taken in the underwater world :


some weird but nice looking fish!


'hey guys , i found nemo!'

some fishy fish.

i think my bro is related to that fish , dont they just look alike ?

starfishes just amazes me. espeacially those stuck on the walls :)

dad acting cold , lol!

Random pics time :

his shoes got wet , HAHA.

at some waterfall.

bro being his ss self -.-!

he may look like he's winning, but he wasn't.
we played like 4 or 5 games , and i won them all,
im too good for him :P

the pool in langkasuka.

this place was darn interesting.

the fella on the left told us how crystal glass was made.

the raw materials.

putting it under really high temperature.

shaping the crystal glass .
they look so bored, haha.

the crystal glass products.

ooohhh maannn , this has gotta be the best picture taken man!
mum was afraid of the rabbit -.-!
sorry mum if ur reading this :)

jack daniels :)
ohyeah, dad got one for himself . lol

carlsberg there is only rm3 plus, cheapppp!

check out the size of this lollipop!
anyone wants a lick , LOL!

waiting for our flight back.

guess thats it for my langkawi trip,
we're gonna get travel guides the next time,
roaming arnd with a few maps was tough.

more updates on my hols soon.
crapstick , its already 4.40 am!

mh.coec :)

Thursday 27 November 2008

mcd's terror ?

a video made in mcd's a few weeks back with usern and gou. do watch it and comment it in youtube !


Sunday 23 November 2008

i was TAGGED by Joshua , so here goes

1. Does this tag make you feel hungry ? ( a question i added myself )

hell yeahh.

2. Who is more important to you?friends/boy/girlfriends

all of them , except for boyfriends =.=! WTH

3. Have you ever thought of getting married?

yeahh , dont you ?

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?


5. How many babies do you want?

depends ( the questions are getting weirder )

6. What is your goal for this year?

7 a's for my pee M are .

7. Do you believe in eternal love?
uh huh .

8. In your opinion, what are the characteristics of the perfect boy/girlfriend?(10 characteristics)

she .....

1) must have hair ( well , bald is fine )
2) must have eyes ( so that im able to look at her in the eyes ?)
3) must have a nose ( so that she breathes )
4) must have hands ( what else am i to hold ? )
5) must have legs ( so that she walks )
6) must be arnd my height and NOT taller
7) must like Man United as well
8) must be talkative
9) must be joyful
10) and lastly , she MUST stop me from doing this tag.

all the answers above are all crapped out !

9. What feeling do you love most?
that feeling.

10. What is your bad habit?
dont know , why dont u tell me ?

11. Is there anything you want to tell people who hate you?

'lets just be friends and shake hands' , and then tries to trip him/her while shaking hands. LOL!

12. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

yeah , but some are not worth so.

13. What does flying mean to you?

flying eh , having freedom like a bird.

14. Who do you love?

( the song plays )
im in love with a girl ,
im in love yeah .


15. Who do you think is hotter? edward cullen or jacob black?

hmmmmm , this is hard ,
but i think that ,
the sun is hotter XD

16. Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words

joshua is

friendly , playful , funny , helpful , good arnd kids.

17. What would you really like to do right now?

go out , im bored at home.

18. What will you become in the next 10 years?

i will become older , LOL
seriously , a working person already.

19. How to find the right partner
by not looking for left patners ? :D

20. What are you wishing for right NOW?

to get some rest , getting tired these days.

i Tag:

charlotte ( so that u will update your blog ) :D

the next 7 people are random people i chose from my links , they are ;

afiq , brandon , joon keit , nana , nadira , sarah , and victor pang.

have fun doing the tag guys.

Instructions:Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Who ever does the tag will have blessings from all.


Saturday 15 November 2008

Game on!

we played at a place called 'dai gong' today. the court there was just so-so . our opponent for today was st john . yeaahhh , there's a school called st john in selangor ; odd ? that must be where all hot lady nurses and docs come from. haha ; KIDDING!
anw, played our game and won them 30 - 6 .
i only scored 5 pts , ass!

next game will be on monday against permata. they look like tougher opponents ; gotta play our A game!

mh.coec :D

Friday 14 November 2008

I rot whenever im at home!

ahhh , holidays are so boring when your at home. i know, lets go out ? ooohhhwaiitt , i cant. im dead broke :x and im done asking for money from my parents , they're just gonna scold me. i don't blame them ; i must agree , i did spent quite alot lately. thats why i wanted a job so badly during the hols ,

'why won't anyone hire 15 year olds! :( '

ooohyeahh, went for basketball in the morn with eleena, gou , divo, usern and jowin yesterday. we played at 16 for just about an hour or so , then we left for melurr. tosei ghee and poori was tummy filling :D later, we headed to 18 to continue bball . gou, divo and eleena wanted to train for their coming games. we bballed and talked and all until it was 1pm! dang , the sun was scorching hot. i think i just got free tanning , whoooopeeeee :)

anw, aft bball ; gou , usern and I went around taipan and bussiness center at 2 plus. gou and i wanted to look for jobs where as usern was just coming along with us. so, we walked and asked every possible shop to work in. baskin robins, starbucks , leos ( although the uniform there looks really pink ) logan house , and even the pet shop! we were mostly rejected because of our age. ( not again !?) we even faked our age at some shops ; (we were 16 year olds all of a sudden) and we still didnt get it. how crappy was that ? =.=! later , when we wanted to walk back , it started to rain. so , we dropped by at mcd's while waiting for the rain the disperse. the rain got heavier , then came thunder and lightning. we kinda waited for 2 hours or so , LOL. while waiting , we made a short vid. its really random! will try to get it from usern soon :D

guess thats all for nw.
ooh, does anyone know where the nearest zoo is from subang ?

Sunday 9 November 2008

Yes , we can.

as many of you guys know, Barack Obama won! he's gonna be the first black president in the us of a; and thats a really good way to reduce and banish racism. what a big change he's going to be to america. im not much of the political kinda guy, but i feel so darn happy that he got it. why am I feeling this way ? hahah

anw, we had hotandlow last friday at syaza's hse. well, it didn't turn out that well. we were all just talking for the first few hours ; brainstorming and all. sorry i was kinda tired at first :S at the end, we did twilight parody but i don't know whether its done or not yet. we did another really random vid as well, but it was unfinished. maybe next time when we are more focused ? haha :D
(pictures on syaza's blog!)
i just advertised your blog syaza; you better thank me. HAHA

as for last saturday, chris and I went to look for jobs. hari haran and harris were suppose to join us ; hari said he was in IoI mall and he couldnt make it where as harris was still sleeping. practically, we got rejected for more than 10 times cause of our age. most of them are accepting only 16 and above. whhyyyy!

ohyeahh, any futsallers out there interested in joining a futsal competition?
on the 20th nov ; at sportsplanet ; un15 !
( harris organising , helping out to hebohkan. lol )


good luck to all spm sitters!
put in all you got people;
don't put 11 years of studies to any waste!
God bless :D


Tuesday 4 November 2008

3 , 2 , 1 , smile !

so, here are some other pictures I took during our cameron trip;
i thought they deserved to be posted up, so here they are;
and remember, they're all random pictures!
enjoy? :D

the next james pond ?

emo strikes :S

ski masks don't go well with glasses,

and now, pictures of people sleeping!

trust me, he was sleeping.


haha, thats all for nw.
ohyeah, the next time u see your friend sleeping;
pose with them!


anw, if any of u who happened to be in the pictures above don't want your pics to be there, please tell me so.
ill remove them.
