Saturday 16 January 2010

Thursday, 14th Jan,
Mithun's Bday! :D

we surprised him at Pizza Uno,
People who were there:
Yash, Meor, Matthew, Dennise, Divo, Yun Yee, Eleena, Shubash, Marielle and I ;)

He was pretty surprised,
so yeah, guess it was a success!

after pizza uno, we headed of to Taipan Garden,
(darn, ive been going there quite often these days)

got a few drinks and chit chat there.

now, for some random pictures :

Dj MES punye Birthday weih!

Mithun : faster take the picture lah, i want to blow the candles!

a picture of the godfather in PizzaUno ?

godfather exhibit A:

godfather exhibit B:

matthew/yash :D

thats all for now,
will head of to court9 for a few bball matches,

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