Saturday 30 January 2010

idontlike A.C.N.E .

i've been really busy these days,
or at least, i feel busy :/

sooo, latest happenings ,

1. MunJan's birthday last weekend! :)

he's now 4 years old! (if im not mistaken)
still as cute and as chubby as ever, HAHA
had dinner at uncles place, then the cake cutting and all.
MunJan was excited with his presents (toys),
he was playing with em all night!
sometimes you'll just be amazed at how little things can make one smile :)

receive present also have to shake hands first :p

lol !

2. JSAS getting more serious in class,

JSAS = Joint Security Area S.. someting ,
formed by our one and only class monitor,
The purpose of this force ?
To tighten the security of 5Amanah!
They patrol around 5Amanah during recess,
to prevent any robbery/crime from happening!
besides that, Wayne has thought up of many other rules/laws that he will propose to us soon,
to enforce/maintain the safety of the students.
even talking about this makes me feel so safe being in 5A .


3. Launch of Project Mordecai!

it was awesome!
pictures are all up on facebook,
check it out! :D
around 30+ people attended cf that friday,
Ps Andy and Ps Kenneth shared a bit before signing session.
i'd say everything turned out pretty well :D
new comers looked like they enjoyed themselves,
praise&worship was good, and so was the short game :)
praise God! :D

random picture:

taipan foodgardens


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