Saturday 30 January 2010

idontlike A.C.N.E .

i've been really busy these days,
or at least, i feel busy :/

sooo, latest happenings ,

1. MunJan's birthday last weekend! :)

he's now 4 years old! (if im not mistaken)
still as cute and as chubby as ever, HAHA
had dinner at uncles place, then the cake cutting and all.
MunJan was excited with his presents (toys),
he was playing with em all night!
sometimes you'll just be amazed at how little things can make one smile :)

receive present also have to shake hands first :p

lol !

2. JSAS getting more serious in class,

JSAS = Joint Security Area S.. someting ,
formed by our one and only class monitor,
The purpose of this force ?
To tighten the security of 5Amanah!
They patrol around 5Amanah during recess,
to prevent any robbery/crime from happening!
besides that, Wayne has thought up of many other rules/laws that he will propose to us soon,
to enforce/maintain the safety of the students.
even talking about this makes me feel so safe being in 5A .


3. Launch of Project Mordecai!

it was awesome!
pictures are all up on facebook,
check it out! :D
around 30+ people attended cf that friday,
Ps Andy and Ps Kenneth shared a bit before signing session.
i'd say everything turned out pretty well :D
new comers looked like they enjoyed themselves,
praise&worship was good, and so was the short game :)
praise God! :D

random picture:

taipan foodgardens


Monday 18 January 2010

Syahbandar Practice

after running the whole course of the coming Larian Mesra,
we 'lontar'-ed the 'peluru' abit .

you can just feel the determination in the air. thats Mikhail man.

joking off.

he thought his 'peluru' went far . . .

but the awful truth was, mine was ahead of his,
hanafi's one just a few cm away je :p

(someone hacked into my account and wrote the previous post)

Sunday 17 January 2010


this is munhong's best buddy in the whole wide world!
:D :D :D


go ask him who's this GOGOGO!

i'll give you a clue:
his hair looked REAL GOOOD after i took him for a haircut!

so yeah, go figure it out.
i'd be back, BYE :)

Saturday 16 January 2010

Thursday, 14th Jan,
Mithun's Bday! :D

we surprised him at Pizza Uno,
People who were there:
Yash, Meor, Matthew, Dennise, Divo, Yun Yee, Eleena, Shubash, Marielle and I ;)

He was pretty surprised,
so yeah, guess it was a success!

after pizza uno, we headed of to Taipan Garden,
(darn, ive been going there quite often these days)

got a few drinks and chit chat there.

now, for some random pictures :

Dj MES punye Birthday weih!

Mithun : faster take the picture lah, i want to blow the candles!

a picture of the godfather in PizzaUno ?

godfather exhibit A:

godfather exhibit B:

matthew/yash :D

thats all for now,
will head of to court9 for a few bball matches,

Sunday 10 January 2010

my weekend.

on saturday,
i was at proton, shah alam most of the time,
freelancing, got to know it through Dhepan's brother.

it was kinda cool for all of us to be in charge of specific stalls,
it kinda felt as though we were just helping out for me,
cause i had fun doing what i was doing,
making pop corns! :)
but yeah, we were paid for having fun, so its kinda cool .

and ohh, it was my first time making em popcorns,
so yeah, they weren't that goood, some got burned :/
and halfway through the day,
the machine suddenly broke down.
(stupid lousy machine!)

clearly, it wasnt my fault at all,
cause the machine looked pretty old. so YEAH :D

b'sides that, ive also learnt a few things on that day,
1) to make popcorn
2) make cotton candy (pure sugar, diabetes the next day weih!)
3) and lastly not to wear your 'goooood shoes' when you're suppose to help out with carnivals.

got to clean em nike's soon :/
anw, more info on the carnival in fb. Im just done uploading the pictures, so check em out. Its free :) HAHA

and then on sunday,
kinda missed church today, cause i went for a 3on3 competition,
the name of the competition was,

wait, are u ready for this ?

okay here goes :




kononnyer 'the best',
the pay when i was working there wasn't even close to 'good'! =.=!

anw, i was in the same team with choon ho and shi hao.
we managed to only play 3 games, lost on the third.
quite disappointed cause we really thought we could win it,

here's some random pics in the bus,
was freaking bored.


Thursday 7 January 2010

Ah Bu : If a baby was born in a gym, what would his name most likely be?

Ah Beng : I dont know, Billy ?

(tickles self)

(names were changed for certain reasons)


Wednesday 6 January 2010

(thanks AthiraTurner for the pics)


So how's school so far?

I kinda miss the holidays already,
where there wasn't a need to study and all.

now, there's so many things to think about.
and i kinda regretted for putting up the resolution,
its giving me pressure! HAHA
so far, i've only been working on the 2nd and 3rd resolution,
lol !


so hows school for me?

its like how form4 was, id say.
same class, same friends, but maybe one or two new teachers.
Wyane was elected as Ketua Kelas again! AHAHA
well, he was the only candidate up for that post,
and everyone agreed that there wasnt a need to vote,
its already wayne's POST. HAHAH :!
Alyssa is the new Penolong Ketua,
some said her dreams finally came true.

im once again the Perabot fella,
along with Kah Hong.
darn, i hate that post :/

oh oh, 5 Amanah is so cool that,
we have 2 timetables,
one in front and one at the back,
so if your seating at the back of 5A and you cant see the timetable in front,
fear not blind one!
there's another one on the back of the class!
HAHA , so convenient eh?

anw, off to gym again.