Friday 11 September 2009

Reply to the previous post:

wow, thanks :) HAHAHA
( for all those curious minds out there, i didn't write that previous post alright )

cause if I did, i would have used 'stronger' words,
you know what i mean right.


How my friday turned out :

  • stayed up till 2am working on some Ye accounts.
  • got to school on time (phew)
  • pn umah fetched us [eleena, tejha , I] to smksu for Ye accounts auditing at 9.30 ish.
  • before that, lepaked at usj4's mamak stall to kill time. even teachers lepak man!
  • (auditing in process)
  • found out that what i worked on till 2am, wasn't needed. great!
  • was shown arnd by the su people, bilik BOSS lol! :D
  • pn umah picked up her temporary maid, tejha and eleena said she looked baik.
  • i didnt.
  • rushed for cf, and was late (sorry!)
  • played heart of worhip and this is our God :)
  • kinda screwed up abit, and was sweating like mad bull's ass while playing the guitar.
  • found out my tie was still on, partly explains the sweat.
  • then, had a good time just mingling arnd during cf.

  • at home, played a dota game with shu eugene dev and ah bing.
  • dev was gay (traxex)
  • shu was dying (good sacrifices for the team! omni)
  • eugene was killing [ jug, ulti :0 ]
  • ah bing was, ermmm , yeah. ah bing.


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