Sunday 6 September 2009

comment allez vous?
[it's french for how are you? be smarter with every MH update! ;D]

I've been so busy , even on MSN my status says so!

anw, I've been accounting the Y.E. accounts , which is not an easy task you know !
i bet you dont know. :D
Mr. Ho told me every single sen has to be accounted for .
precise gilerr.

kinda regret being the finance director but oh well , we're almost finished now .
no more headaches. amen to that. HAHA.

but now you know how precise I am!


things I've been doing LATELY !

1. hanging out with ppl

esp tmr as it's gonna be MARIELLE's 16th birthday !
Wait till she sees what we're gonna do for her !
I TELL YOU, she'll be crying, man.

2. studying?
Actually I've not been doing that much -_- kinda lazy la.
Bet nobody else has studied yet!
except those really semangat-ed ones, I wish I was THAT semangat .

nahhhh, aft tomorrow I will!

3. playing the guitar .
this one no need to explain lah kan ? AHAHAH :D

4. doing house chores for my mum .
cos I'm a good son like that, you know ?
Yeah, I bet you dont know . :D

okay that's it!

*woah , I am so french-fied!*
Say that 10 times!
that sounds like french fries!

ohwell , bye! :)


like father, like daughter.

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