Sunday 26 April 2009

waiting on the world to change

yeahh , john mayer's songs aren't that bad huh.
songs like , ' say' , 'waiting on the world to change' and ' your body is a wonderland'
( although it does sound a lil corny ) haha!

anw , i actually wanted to learn 'say' on guitar. but it uses a blooody CAPO , which i dont have.


think ill need to get a CAPO , there's so many nice songs which requires one.
and ohyeah, if you were wondering , yeahh , im kinda back to guitaring. i still suck at chords changing , and all the bar chords , but HEY , im learning here!
still working on a few songs , like jumper - from third eye , better man - robbie williams , and i WANT to learn accidentally in love - counting crows :)

well , ill update u guys once i've fully learnt those few.( which might take quite some time!)

basketball mssd is just tmr :D
feeling excited already , facing some unknown school at 3.30pm.
we're gonna get fried under the hot sun man! ,
woo hoo! 0.0

and for now, some RANDOM pictures from some time ago ;

the noodles yohann gave ,
it was soooo filling (fullstop)

yoga and gou :D

cute baby isnt it ?
NOT ME , i meant the toy i was holding

call me mata cinapek some more!
who has the biggest eyes in this pic huh! :P


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